[Big Project] Prison v3.0


Home Forums Prison Feedback [Big Project] Prison v3.0

This topic contains 53 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  DragonEngineer 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #130381 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Hello EC Prisoners,
    We are planning to update the Prison server in the near future. There is no exact date on when will the project start and released. But for now, we want your opinions and suggestions!

    Planned Updates:
    A Complete Building Revamps. We are planning to use “Time Travel” concept. Each rank warps will be in different eras (1 era for each ranks). Donors will also have their own era where /warp dshop and /warp donor will be.
    Rank Shop Revamps. Instead of using the usual “Sell Signs“, we will use NPCs unique to each eras. Right click the NPC and a GUI will appear. Drag and drop your items there to sell them. If you put items that are not sell-able, they will not be sold, they will be back to your inventory. It will be more efficient for both the players and the developers since the prices will be configurable easily. Events like double sell prices will also possible with this system.
    Mining Rewards GUI. Instead of automatic, we will change the mining rewarding system to a GUI. So each account can claim every rewards ONCE whenever they want.
    Hardcore Ranks. This has been planned for a while. But looks like it will have to come after 3.0 update. Our Builders and Developers are still busy developing it.
    Quests Revamp. Instead of using /warp quest, we will have quests for each ranks.
    Achievement System. Achieve something in game and earn trophies!

    Vote-able Updates:
    – Bigger Plots. We will be happy to put it in the “Planned Updates” list. However, this will require a plot reset for all players. Which is why we let the community vote if they want this to be implemented or not.

    To vote, click here and choose Prison tab.

    More plans will be added by time being. So make sure to check this topic frequently and keep up to date. Thanks for your feedbacks c:

    Note: After this update, all player datas WILL STAY! There won’t be any player data reset, so don’t worry about it.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by  Artoriel.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by  Artoriel.
    #130384 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Yes for plot reset, but will we keep items?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by  Wither.
    #130386 Score: 0

    2 pts

    We will most likely make a temporary storage, so players can move their stuffs from their plots to the storage. Your ranks, money and stuffs outside plots will stay.

    #130390 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Please don’t delete plots until the new ones are released. I have like 5 double chests full of tools and armor. Some people have way more than that. If there’s going to be storage, please make it with at least 10 double chests.

    What I mean: If you’re gonna reset plots, give everyone lots of storage, at least 10-20 double chests.

    #130398 Score: 0

    2 pts

    ^ Great idea. We can release the bigger plot first, then delete the old ones after. But expect a lot of server lags with 2 plot worlds in it..

    #130400 Score: 0

    20 pts

    If the players want something, then they’ll just have to deal with the lag sometimes

    #130401 Score: 0

    41 pts

    So long as echests aren’t wiped, I’m fine with whatever; I can rebuild whatever I currently have at my plot.

    #130406 Score: 0


    My suggestions

    >> 1: Make Prison gameplay like a story mode.
    For example:
    Islands: Stranded in a shipwreck, you must gather resources to earn money to set sail to the next island. Until you return to civilisation.

    Islands may seems be a VERY GOOD idea, but unfortunately there is an existing server that runs on this theme.

    A good possible theme will be Planets (Or sci-fi theme): Basically you are on your way to the home planet but you ran out of fuel, so you have to visit each planet to gather resources to buy fuels. And return home eventually. You can see it like “The Martians” movie.

    Other suggestions include time travelling, overthrow slavery (can make a good story)


    >> 2: Expand more ways to earn money.
    The current prison server gameplay is about mining (major) and logging (minor). There is a need for emphasis of logging, so both mines can be ultilises equally, In fact, for planets, we should use a forest instead, and the forest floor can have flowers which can be sold for a good sum of money.

    Not only that but also more ways to earn money, such as fishing, hunting, questing, finding hidden treasures, and some other interactions with the surrounding that gives sell-able resources.


    #130412 Score: 0


    >> 3: Plots for “Free Rankers” only
    Having plots on the way to Home Planet seems a bit weird. It is as if you are staying at that planet. Hotel rooms or anything like a cell room will be suitable as a “temporary home”.

    When you reached home planet only then you can buy your own plot. Prestiging prevents access to your plot, just like /warp free.


    >> 4: Multiple mines/forests to choose from
    3 types of mines/forests (or can have more)

    (May be implemented after a certain rank into the progress, like Rank C or D)
    Basic Mines: No need go through PvP Zones at all. Will have the worst loots
    Normal Mines: Need to go through PvP Zones but mine is not PvP enabled. Better loot than Basic Mines
    PvP Mines: Mine is PvP enabled. Has the best loot

    Those are to cater more variety of players. From those who are scared of pvping to those who are hardcore.


    #130955 Score: 0


    I think if the Developer will make the bigger plot
    and need reset all the plot,the Developer need make
    storage for all player first.
    So dont need make 2 plot world that will make all crash.
    Maybe like Private Chest for every player who have plot.
    And make a warp storage.
    Thats my suggestion.

    #130963 Score: 0


    what I like about prison are crackshots (darts,cures,hooks,etc)
    keep the crackshots in prison please

    About plots, if they reset them, give players access to the command /pv 1-25
    so they can keep their things there.

    #131200 Score: 0


    inventory money and ranks are reseting? on this update

    #131201 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Removing crackshot items would be awesome…

    #131202 Score: 0

    -5 pt


    #131213 Score: 0


    It would be awesome if it were kit pvp instead of prison

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