Report on husky


Home Forums Prison Reports Report on husky

This topic contains 11 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Husky 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #108348 Score: 0

    5 pts

    So it goes something like this, I had a gapple and i wanted to get jailed(as always) so i started to tease husky, with the gapple and then, he said i cant jail, i was like oh come on try please and then i got warned for “Come on” and he said “There”. A jail doesnt go on your record but a FREAKING WARN DOES. AND U DONT GET WARNED FOR HAVING CONTRABANNED ITEMS! And the funniest part is that he didnt even ask me to drop it.

    #108351 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Any evidence?
    Anyways, I will try to clarify this as soon as possible.

    #108356 Score: 0

    5 pts

    I just want you to remove the warn from my records, u can ask husky about my warn.

    #108358 Score: 0

    12 pts

    You always got Logs.

    #108361 Score: 0


    I am very sure warns cannot be removed in anyway at all

    #108369 Score: 0

    wait wait , , warns cannot be removed . . .Awesome . . i mostly got more than 20 warns ,, cause of da stupid spam guard :’/ , High 5 . . . . *clap*

    #108376 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Spamguard warns don’t go on your record, they’re just there to let you know you’re about to get kicked if you continue the bad behaviour.

    Warns that need a command, which is executed by mods, stay on your record.

    #108377 Score: 0

    fewh ! ;D , 0 your awesome

    #108381 Score: 0


    Wait What?? Husky warned you? For Having a Gapple?… So weird.. I told higher ranks anyways.. This is new.. (He should not give a warn) He should in-contrast ask for the gapple then jail if you don’t give it to him. (I am not aware of any new rules such as this one) So I might be mistaken. Anyways told higher rank. Thank you for reporting

    #108390 Score: 0


    I am very sure warns cannot be removed in anyway at all

    Get your facts right m49 :)

    #108395 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Warns can be removed. I don’t know the command though.

    #108517 Score: 0


    This happened long long time ago, I was still trial mod and i didnt know how to jail, Ali wanted to be jailed, so i cant and i warned him. BUT Ali, i asked you to drop it or throw it on lava, Dont say “And the funniest part is that he didnt even ask me to drop it.” You were on “good” or “fun” mood so i warned and after that you said ” Awww, y u no jail m9 :(

    I’ll ask a high moderator to clear the warn, Im sorry and thanks for reporting

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