(this is a joke, factions is kinda “un-playable”, and im board :L )
Your In-Game Name: Luffy_D_Monkey
Wh0 br3@ks the rule: H@x0R b-b Horse, H@x0R b-b Wolf (they are both in the much F33r3D “(l33t) H@x0R” clan)
D@t3 0f 0ffense: 2015 juN3 22nD
Reason of reporting: Th3y w@$ h@x0r1Ng wH3n i w@$ pl@ying 1 just w@Nt3d to pl@y, @nb th3y W@$ using : Fli-ing h@Xor, and Jummpy, jummpy haX.
Game/Server: F@kti0N$
pr00f: F0r dis First 1. Y dafq th3y 0N d3 T0p 0’da M@p and this is of “l33t Hax0r” member-p : b-b howsy_69(at)Hawt.male.Uk
Numm-too T33$3 gUy w@$ U$in Fli-Haxor and this was a Photo of the second h@x0r : b-b wolf
Mere infu-m@ti3n: i wud pl@yin and i s@d3d dem.
-Lawfy_D(eez nuts)_man-key
Btw if you read that congrats <3 (<— only normal text :L (aside from the one on top :p )
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