Couple of suggestions not too Op or too bad.
1. Make ./warp vassal invincible or add a bit more %of mob spawning there. It’s kinda low.
2. Add /dispose or /trash for a specific rank.
3. Add More Donor stuff other than the villager at ./warp dshop. Maybe such as /shop. If it’s too Op add a small discount for items at /warp dshop maybe 5% discount for iron gapples gold diamond etc..
4. Make the repair sign a bit less. 35k seems a bit Op. maybe 20 or 25k.
5. donors can /sell hand for 5% more than normal amount. Or somewhere around that.
6. ./kit iron and etc… Sound a bit Op in my opinion, which is why I suggested the donor things above.
Anyways those are small suggestions no need to add, that’s just what I want to see and maybe a couple of other people in factions. Thanks for reading.
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