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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Desomas 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    I, Desomas, am the mayor of the fastest growing city in EternalCracked: Paradigm. Only two months ago, the town was founded on a single building in between a swamp and a desert. Currently, we have over 50 residents, claim title to the biggest public farm on the server, and rapidly expanding outward. I am here to announce that we are looking for more residents all the time. Should you choice to join, message Desomas or Seftonmunro to claim your spot. Also, I am looking for a  head contractor. You’re job as contractor is to build monuments and buildings for the town as they are requested. As reward, you will be made an assistant to the town and will be given an OBSCENE amount of plots on which to build your house or whatever you see fit.

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