Mobs disappearing


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This topic contains 11 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  xPhoenixlordx 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #33398 Score: 0


    So i have this mob despawning problem. Before u guys start to say oh thers a mob limit per chunk, I know that there is. All my mobs are below 50. So first this happened. I noticed all the mobs in my town despawned. So i thought BA ill just buy more eggs to spawn dem. And den they disappeared again. I repeated it one more time before i reported this to skills.
    Skills found it weird and spawned it back in. And now guys this happened. 2 sheeps in a chunk, I didnt spawn any more or let them breed or anyother things near it, Guess what, IT DESPAWNEd!! halp? is this a mob limit bug thing?

    #33404 Score: 0

    13 pts

    I think we can’t control how the Minecraft system despawn mobs. I recommend using nametags even though they are highly rare or just get them from dshop, they can keep your mobs from despawning.

    #33406 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Are you kidding me waveware? I would never go to the effort of putting nametags on all the chickens in a chicken farm.

    #33409 Score: 0

    7 pts

    There are limits of mobs in one chunk, so if it pass the limit, your mobs will despawn.

    #33412 Score: 0

    1 pt

    i think our town has the same problem, we had a sheep farm that has around 30 sheep all dyed, i also had a cow in my plot beside the farm, i logged and when i logged in the town’s mayor told me they all despawned RIGHT INFRONT OF HIM, he was standing there and *pop* *pop* only 3 sheep left (my cow despawned too), but whats even weirder is that the pig farm right next to both plots had never been affected, and we never even breeded them for about a week. thats a new lag in the server XD

    #33414 Score: 0


    I think its really not practical to nametag all the mobs just sayin

    #33415 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Still, Wave is right, if you really do not want this to continue happen, use name tags.

    #33419 Score: 0


    I actually had he same problem with my horses(they even had nametags). What i recommend for your chickens is setting up an auto egg machine so that half the eggs will be used to replenish your population.

    #33429 Score: 0


    Good luck on buying that many name tags :)

    #33447 Score: 0


    Happened to me when I had 2 cows in the middle of an island, and unless there were 48 mobs under me, I don’t see how it de-spawns….and it just started happening to me in the last few days, as I’m sure this is the same story…

    #33452 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I think before there was a topic an it said 16 animals max per chunk (16×16)
    I hope that helped!

    #33453 Score: 0

    2 pts


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