SkyMasterYL Trial-Moderator Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications SkyMasterYL Trial-Moderator Application

This topic contains 14 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #67776 Score: 0


    In-game names used: SkyMasterYL (on all servers)
    Experience:Ive been playing Prison servers Cracked and premium im an Operator in a Server Aswell
    How Often you are Online:im online like 3-6 Hours
    Why you want to become mod: I would like to became a Mod to maintain the server at its Highest Rates and I would Like to Gaurd the server as long as I can.
    Here are some examples
    Spamming: Mute for 1-3 minimum
    Advertising: Permanent ban
    Hacks: Permanent ban
    and other situations that i can handle like Players Raging Againts each other
    Thank you for Reading

    #67777 Score: 0


    Vote Down:
    -First of all, I’ve never seen you really help anyone on the prison server.
    -Second of all you are inactive on the forums. As a moderator you need to be able to not just help people on server [which I don’t see] but you also need to help people on the forums struggling with a problem.
    I would like to became a Mod to maintain the server at its Highest Rates and I would Like to Gaurd the server as long as I can.
    Here are some examples
    Spamming: Mute for 1-3 minimum
    Advertising: Permanent ban
    Hacks: Permanent ban
    and other situations that i can handle like Players Raging Againts each other
    Thank you for Reading

    -You do not get these commands because you want them. You get these commands as you go up the ranks. You need to earn the trust of the people that are promoting you and overseeing you before they give you higher authority and higher power. You start of with the basic necessities as a trial.

    #67785 Score: 0


    Oh ya as Trial-Moderator Only has Warn
    Ty MSN001A1DeltaPlus
    For these words that you said
    Ill Promise that u’ll see Better Improvements

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  SkyMasterYL.
    #67791 Score: 0


    Vote down
    Reason: 1.Bad grammar
    2.Never seen you help
    3.Lazy Mod App

    No offense dude but you need to make a better one sooner or later.

    #67796 Score: 0


    – All of the reasons above and below, stated.

    Typing/stating/saying “no offense” does not make your reply less offensive.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  RazorThunder.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  RazorThunder.
    #67799 Score: 0


    Better And Improved App

    In-game names used: SkyMasterYL (on all servers)
    Experience:Been playing on 4 Prison Servers Already So I know how the Prison Gamemode Very Well
    How Often you are Online: Since its vacation i get like 5-6 hours but on school days like 1-4 Hours
    Why you want to become mod: I Would Like to Become a Mod to Help new players and give them a nice Start on this server
    And with mod I can Help the other Mods with making the server More beautiful and decent since it just started it still lacks Some Stuff
    Like Donor Mines.
    I would also like to keep the server Safe From Hackers ex: X-Ray , Aura
    Thank you for Reading

    #67800 Score: 0


    Chibichuba said:
    3. You may only make 1 TrialMod App. By creating multiple applications, it causes quite a few issues and discouragements for testing you to be a TrialMod.
    a. You have too many applications with same/different information. We do not know which to follow.
    b. It shows a sign of impatience and immaturity.
    A good way to attract more attention to your app is occasionally bumping it, or replying to it. If you do this too often, we will automatically decline your application for spam.


    #67809 Score: 0


    I see you trying to do better though. Don’t give up.

    #67812 Score: 0


    @razorthunder : He made than one mod app but it wasnt from different post. He wasn’t able to edit his post which is why he creates one following the mod application in the reply thread.

    I do see you online from time to time but i feel that you haven’t made yourself known by most of the players yet. Good luck!

    #67837 Score: 0


    Vote down.

    Same reason of @MSN001A1DeltaPlus.

    Inactive in forums/ingame I think different time zones..

    Never seen you helping players in server.

    Good Luck,


    #67839 Score: 0

    7 pts


    Chibichuba said:
    3. You may only make 1 TrialMod App. By creating multiple applications, it causes quite a few issues and discouragements for testing you to be a TrialMod.
    a. You have too many applications with same/different information. We do not know which to follow.
    b. It shows a sign of impatience and immaturity.
    A good way to attract more attention to your app is occasionally bumping it, or replying to it. If you do this too often, we will automatically decline your application for spam.


    He did not create multiple posts but just modify his mod app in the same post, it is allowed.

    Vote Down

    Inactive on the Forums
    No Reports or Doesn’t really help

    #68440 Score: 0


    Additional Information:
    I live in the Philippines GMT+8
    If that could give me a little advantage

    #68443 Score: 0


    School’s up in the Philippines, so that might give you a disadvantage.

    #68493 Score: 0


    I get 1-3 Hours of Playing time Aswell If I have school
    ty Razorthunder For reminding that

    #77751 Score: 0


    Inactive. Denied.

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