Jan 302015

Hello dear EC community,

I am gonna cut to the chase, I am leaving the server soon. The reason of my leave is because my life is moving really fast right now, I am looking forward for a better job, improve my career and education, grow a family and unfortunately I have been putting these things aside to look for the server and I dont want to do it anymore. Also, I feel I am being an anchor with all my personal issues and EC deserves a leader who can put their 100%. I feel the server and the mods are in good shape, not to mention we have enough funds for at least 6 months so I am confident EC will continue to exist without my help. Now we need to find a new leader, I opened a poll for mods to vote on someone who they think will be a good fit to lead them. Once my successor have been elected I will proceed to transfer the ownership to him/her.

Anyways guys, I look forward to the future, EC has taught me a lot of things and I will always remember it. I want to thank each and every one of you for being part of my life for 3 great years and for giving me the honor of being a proud owner of the best community. Long live EC.


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