Jan 202012

Hello fellow player. Our community has become bigger and we need new mods. Please copy the template and submit your application HERE.


In-game names used:
Servers where you have been played:


Be very helpful and ask the people that you helped to comment on your application.

This time we are gonna have to ask people to vote for your mods, so just leave a comment on their applications saying if you support them or not and the reasons. Remember to include when they helped you, what they did and how they solved your issue. Please refrain from voting for people just because they gave you stuff, thats bribing and I am not gonna count those votes.

Basically now we are not gonna use “Chat Mods” and “Server Mods”, instead we are gonna use “Experts” and “Guardians”.

“Experts” can be voted by other users, “Guardians” can only be selected by other senior mods, so dont vote for Guardians.

We need “Experts” for now, and the duties of an “Expert” will be:

  • Has to know every single command in game for players.
  • Has to know everything about the game, crafting, etc…
  • Has to be able learn for himself and research solutions for himself without any help.
  • Must have very good experience with towny.
  • Has to be friendly and willingful to help.
  • Has to be an active player.
  • Has to report any server issues, people cheating, etc… to the headmods or guardians.
  • Has to be cool headed and dont have any erratic behaviour. Has to remain neutral towards aggression.

Most importantly, the person has to understand there is nothing to reward him other than the appreciation of all the players for his duties. There are no priviledges for these people, no creative, no free money or stuff, nothing. These people have to love the server enough to have the guts to turn their back on their friends if they are cheating or hurting the server in a way. So think several times if you have it in you.

Experts will have the minimum permissions to perform their duties. I am very strict with mods too, so if you are chosen, expect to be harrassed by me. I will not hesitate in cutting down the people that are just looking to benefit themselves.

Applications will be up until positions have been filled. We need at least 6 Experts so theres plenty of room.

Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site!