1.7 Update & EC


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This topic contains 13 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  harrybob141 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #30400 Score: 0

    2 pts

    So in a few months the 1.7 patch is coming out, it’s being called “The World Generator Update”


    It will introduce the biggest changes to biomes and world gen since minecraft first began.

    EC is a relatively old world, and because of towny, only something like 20% of it is wilderness, 30% ocean, 50% towns.

    I don’t think a wilderness wipe is worth it anymore, with so little wilderness. What we need is a new seed, a new world, and some way to port over the top 30 (or however many) active towns to the new world. So there will be room for the influx of new players, and keep the majority of current players happy.

    1.7 is going to make some pretty massive changes to worlds, I can’t see any way of keeping the old and gaining the new without making some sacrifices.

    Anyway, would love to hear what Borns plans are for 1.7

    #30402 Score: 0


    i agree

    #30408 Score: 0

    Sydamon Cinnamon

    1.7 is coming ALREADY?

    #30409 Score: 0

    3 pts

    In a few months maybe in december yeah

    #30415 Score: 0


    I also agree

    #30416 Score: 0


    cant you expand the world then
    FYI i dont agree

    #30483 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Disagree: I got no time for restarts:

    If the server restarts: i quit

    You can extend the world borders to bigger range and also add LAgg Clear”:

    I don’t give a shizza bout ur melons> Learn how to read and just deal with it. Lagg clear removes a lot of lag

    #30484 Score: 0

    2 pts

    You’re a very incoherent person wither. By no means should YOU be telling anyone to learn to read, your reading comprehension is atrocious.

    As has been mentioned thousands of times, extending the borders and Lagg Clear do not decrease lag, they increase it.

    And melons? No one mentioned anything about melons. Perhaps you should try to improve your reading comprehension, most countries have these things called ‘schools’ you should definitely sign up for one.

    #30485 Score: 0


    Dayum adck, shit just got real.

    #30490 Score: 0


    Well, i think it would be cool for mayors of these towns to chose which biome to have there town placed in

    #30492 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Xavier, I was thinking the same thing myself earlier, I’d love to switch the snowy area of my town to plains.

    #30497 Score: 0


    I down vote, because lots of towns picked out carefully where they want their town to be because of the biome, where the water is etc. I picked da perfect place for my town and i would not like it to be changed to something else.

    #30503 Score: 0

    23 pts

    You guys know I am all against wiping the towns, so that’s not gonna happen. I have been thinking of wiping the wilderness and making it no longer destroyable, so people wouldnt be able to mine it and such. I was thinking of adding another world just for gathering resources and wiping it every month or so using random seeds. I still need to solidify that idea and see how new players and veterans would take it.

    #30504 Score: 0


    I like that idea born, cause ALOT of towns are inactive

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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