15Spike misusing donor powers


Home Forums Survival Player Reports 15Spike misusing donor powers

This topic contains 17 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 10 years ago.

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  • #96051 Score: 0


    So today i was muted by 15spike for idk perhaps talking too much in chat or whatever reasons
    I accept that begging is NOT ALLOWED also i did for a moment but then spike reminded me that its not allowed and then i stopped but after this i asked how to make note block music in chat and then he muted me for 5 mins
    I don’t see any reason for this because i did not spammed nor i begged after he told me that begging is not allowed
    If you admin check chat logs then you would surely know what happened and how becasue afterall i think that he is misusing his donor powers a bit

    Forgive me if i have done any mistakes or errors hope that you will take it into consideration


    #96053 Score: 0


    @ShadowcastBoy you being muted is fine.Maybe you said something that got to 15spike that made him muted you.Ask him why he did it.


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  Beast.
    #96060 Score: 0


    Ok beast btw i already forgive him lol
    5 mins mute is not so bad afterall :))

    I just wanted him to be more precise with mute

    #96061 Score: 0


    @ShadowCast Usually getting muted for begging is not allowed but it depends also if you were spamming it or not.Five mins is a short duration which is suppose to be ok/not that abusive.

    #96062 Score: 0

    Begging is allowed, but you’re not allowed to spam whilst doing it.

    #96063 Score: 0


    to be precise no i was not spamming
    Firstly i asked him to tp me on top of my melon farm because i accidently sethome down
    and then i said please
    and then after another 2-5 mins i would ask him but i did it only 2-3 times because when he was not replying meaning that he didnt want to

    #96064 Score: 0


    Lol how do i explain this you should really check the logs to see what really happened……so complicated to explain

    #96065 Score: 0


    Well in this way,it’s abuse…He could have /ignore you instead..Muting you for that purpose is clearly bull****..

    #96068 Score: 0

    If you weren’t spamming, nor were you breaking any chat-rules such as swearing and capsing, then I suppose that’s abuse. I believe he should be warned.

    #96081 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Please refrain from swearing on the forums.
    If you want to swear, block 50% of that word please.

    #96088 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Seems like you were spamming.. Lucky I checked your mid app first..

    #96106 Score: 0


    Whats wrong with you ander are you jealous or what
    Im first time on this forum and saw the thread for mod app so i made one just to try my luck
    Hmm i suppose 15Spike is your best friend on server

    #96117 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I find is abusing as well since he could’ve done /ignore if it wasn’t in general chat. He also could’ve done /tptoggle so that was Spikes fault.

    #96122 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Jj it was general chat.

    #96127 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Guys don’t start fighting, lately we been having fights on the forums and stuff & I don’t want anymore of. So can we stop it?

    @ShadowcastBoy, I don’t belive that Ander, is jealous.

    Now this is something…
    If you beg once then he is abusing his Donor powers
    But if you did a few times then I can see why he muted you.

    If only donors had this warn/ mute, kick power in Prison I wont never have to report on the forums again! xDD

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