2 Scamming incidents in 1 day.


Home Forums Survival General discussion 2 Scamming incidents in 1 day.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chibichuba 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #12065 Score: 0


    Hello EC Community,

    Today I was offered a diamond offer from a player (IGN: kaylee). He/she gave me the deal of 70 diamonds for 15k. As scamming isnt allowed on the server, I couldn’t hesitate and bought those diamonds. I have screenshots of her asking me to pay, there were witnesses watching the deal too. These really good people on the server were olivnique and invader_swift. These two both witnessed the scam and helped my out and my thanks goes to them.

    Incident 2; Has clear evidence showing the scam and I have 1 witness, t1tchz. He also got scammed, we both dealt with him at the same time. His IGN was: sspongeboob, clearly shown in my evidence testified.

    I dont know what happens next but this is just a warning to my fellow EC players, who can’t stand people making you pay and not receiving your product! I hope you all watch out from kaylee and sspongeboob. kaylee is a hacker and a scamme, but still can play on the server when breaking the rules.

    Link to screenshots:  imgur.com/a/KvZwX

    My gratitude to all people who helped me and those who read this.


    #12066 Score: 0


    It was yesterday now by the way.


    #12071 Score: 0


    Thank you for reporting these players, I have taken $10k off their money and refunded your money. Next time, have them drop half and you pay half, then the other half. Less loss that way. If they refuse, they may possibly be a scammer. If the deal is outrageous and doesn’t make sense why they would sell it to that price, the may again; possibly be a scammer. If both those apply, it is more than most likely that that person is a scammer.

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