2nd Ban Appeal


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal 2nd Ban Appeal

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Thepowaofhax 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #33509 Score: 0


    My last one, quoting:
    “I was banned by Omega for a Fraudulent Claim. I was not hacking, and there is a glitch where people in Prophunt float 1 block above the ground. If I was hacking, I’m pretty sure the Console would have caught it. I could see people reporting me for the OP parkour spot near the seeker spawn, which is pretty much sprint jumping from a chair to leaves, then to quartz stairs.”

    was locked for NOT USING a template. I searched 3 other topics, and there was no template under this forum, so why should I follow a rule under the survival forum? If I don’t get a service equal to every other person on this forum than I can easily tell ya’ll are a bunch of one-sided admins. Here is your ban appeal form that WASN’T under this arena ban repeal.

    Full In-Game name: Thepowaofhax

    Who banned you: Omega

    Why you were banned: Flying is apparently a reason to be banned if you’re not flying.

    When you were banned: Yesterday, around 7:30 PM
    Why you should be unbanned: I was banned for a fraudulent claim, standing is not flying.
    Which server you’re banned from: Minigames

    #33514 Score: 0

    13 pts

    I think they seem to forgot about the Template usage. But also I didn’t think it’s your fault you didn’t follow the template, because one wasn’t pointed to you before posting the appeal.

    #33518 Score: 0


    I’ll talk with Omega. We will see what would be done.
    Is it a temporary or permanent ban?

    #33523 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Even if u hacked its ur first offense…so u should be unbanned (the rules are for the 4 servers right?) 😛

    #33545 Score: 0



    Also, I did not hack, Dice. I should be banned for something I clearly did not do, that is why I am doing this.

    Edit: Also, I have 2 other players on my side. Tripycarrot, who has been playing with me in Prophunt and knows I don’t hack, and my room mate Meganoob.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by  Thepowaofhax.
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