5 report in 1 (pls check it)


Home Forums Survival General discussion 5 report in 1 (pls check it)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  takoballball 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #65137 Score: 0


    I saw him flying In wild he tpa’d to me so I accepted and I saw this:
    Also i got another report 😀 , Im not sure If he is flying with hacked clients or not but check this out (Alnat):http://luminousgamer.imgur.com/all/
    3rd Report: ScreamingRetard called me a bitch because We were pvping in wild and he did not kill me because i got God Apples:http://luminousgamer.imgur.com/all/
    4th Report: Also pmrmr3000 admitting he hacks and its very obvious:http://luminousgamer.imgur.com/all/
    5th Report:Im not sure if this is a violation or not but still did /cprivate on the doors of infamousx99x , I mean he does not have perms i think so because its the town of virgincentral

    #65138 Score: 0


    wow them hackers. but more importantly. what texture pack u using

    #65146 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Thanks for reporting! But some of the reports won’t be dealt with, since they didn’t cross any rules.
    The first report. Well, he didn’t kill you, so that isn’t fly PvP. And also it’s allowed in the wild. The third report has been dealt with. The fifth report is also allowed. InFamousx99x left his doors unlocked, so anyone could came in and locked them. It was his fault for leaving them unlocked.
    So last thing I wanna ask, what is that resource pack? o.o

    #65147 Score: 0


    That 5 report dou. :O

    #65148 Score: 0


    IF u want to know the texture pack its disco texture pack

    #65149 Score: 0


    Thehighoreo. Although he did leave it unlock. he should be warned to stop doing it since it is in towns as well.

    #65429 Score: 0


    ^Keep your doors locked. If not ask your town mayor to make the town closed. We don’t interfere with towny affairs such as an outsider locking a door.

    #65430 Score: 0


    Well u guys are the one whoz gonna be unlocking it later xD

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