A bit awkward misunderstanding…


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report A bit awkward misunderstanding…

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  MrTectonicFusion 12 years ago.

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  • #15009 Score: 0


    So, I just started playing the survival games on this server (it’s awesome BTW), I played a few rounds… then the server restarted this morning. So I just skyped some of my friends because I didn’t know how long the server was gonna be off ( probably instantly on but idk), when I got on… BOOM! I was in the survival games map not knowing what was happening. then 2 ppl started attacking me because… it was the survival games. they started saying “Tectonic glitched in!” or “hacker!” Of coarse a mod noticed so he did something. I could not get out of the survival games because he took away all my permission except /msg or /help. Then I killed myself because I did not want to disturb their game of hg. But when I died, I respawned IN THE ARENA! Please help me! Admin or nice moderator. :(

    #15010 Score: 0


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