A few suggestion for de factions


Home Forums Factions Feedback / Updates A few suggestion for de factions

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Waveware 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #113452 Score: 0

    1 pt

    1:Add kits to all ranks except for reveller
    /kit mercenary prot1 iron armour with sharp2 iron sword

    /kit noble prot3 unb2 diamond armour with sharp1 diamond sword 1 God apple

    /kit squire prot 3 unb2 diamond armour with sharp2 diamond sword 1 God apple

    /kit vassal prot 3 unb3 diamond armour with sharp 3 fire 1 diamond sword 2 God apple

    /kit knight prot 3 unb3 diamond armour with sharp 4 loot2 unb2 fire2 diamond sword 3 God apple

    /kit champion prot 4 unb3 diamond armour with sharp4 fire2 unb2 3 god Apple

    /kit Lord prot 4 unb3 diamond armour 3 God apple with sharp4 fire2 unb3 and a power4 infinity1 unb3 flame1 bow 3 God apple

    /kit monarch prot 4 unb3 diamond armour 3 God apple with sharp5 fire2 unb3 and a power5 infinity1 unb3 flame1 bow 4 God apple

    For /kit start keep it the same so that people can still get a start

    2: Add a combat timer bar on top of the xp bar

    3: Remove armour and weapons for /kit daily, /kit weekly and /kit monthly for tools

    4: When a player drinks a potion the bottle will disappear

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by  InfectedEnder.
    #113478 Score: 0

    14 pts

    We aren’t crashing the economy.

    #113479 Score: 0

    14 pts

    #3For kits, we might add more kits for each day: kit miner, lumber, farmer, etc

    #4 is a good idea.

    #113492 Score: 0

    1 pt

    2 and 1? And as for 3, since the second suggestion is for ranks to get weapon and armor so if it was implemented it would encourage people to rank up and get better stuff and gear

    #113497 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Squire kit is base building kit
    Knight kit is a base defending kit
    Lord kit is both.

    Adding these new kits will mean that you can only get one kit per week since we have to remove Start, Daily, Weekly and Monthly. or you can only use one kit for the rank that you are on. example: If you are Squire, you can only use Squire, etc.

    This will be discussed.

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