A forum for Spanish users


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  RazorThunder 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #66249 Score: 0


    As you might know, I am in pity of the Spanish users here because they cannot be understood. Since most of the people in EC speak English,the second major language that we must care about is Spanish. There must be a separate site for Spanish users so that we don’t get cluttered. I hope you understand what I’m really saying. If there’s [Lang] chat in the server, there must be one here.

    Spanish versions of warps are being built. Thanks!

    #66255 Score: 0


    I dont see a point in that tho, because basically there are many english spanish speaking people on the forums and they help translate and communicate to the member and theres google translate,too which is not accurate but it sets the point mostly so I find this not nesscessary

    #66256 Score: 0


    Yes, @grassfey, I understand you. I just want to be clear that Spanish people must be given the freedom to speak here directly from their mouths – not with any translator. Most do not speak English (Those people from CR) and I just want them to be happy that there is a special place for them.

    #66257 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Sorry, I think there is no point of this, like Grass said. Because our server is actually English, not being racist, but it started with English, but Spanish people came. So just consider traveling to other countries. If you go to America, you wouldn’t ask people questions with Spanish, would you?

    #66258 Score: 0

    23 pts

    I could do it, but I dont think they will embrace it, also we would need mods who understand spanish to moderate the forums.

    #66271 Score: 0



    #66275 Score: 0



    #66334 Score: 0


    @anubis666, @furmok123: That site is not that accurate. I just wanted Spanish users to have a forum, and that they may participate happily. I’m just trying to be friendly with the Spanish users.

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