A Good Memory


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Tra! 13 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #830 Score: 0


    I would like to notify the Whocraft community, our wonderful ally server, ColossalCraft is no more.  The reason i am saying this is because the owner of the server was our ally.  The owners were(Head Moderators of AwesomeCraft)and owned colossalCraft,PopeXIII and Maverick.  This server was premium and had also had many whocrafters in it.  Thank you!

    #832 Score: 0


    Why did it go down?

    #833 Score: 0


    Hmm never got a chance to test it out…Anyway they say it is awful and “ghetto” But i think with pope i should be so bad. Condolences to the members. And yeah like chibi said why did it go down?

    #834 Score: 0


    Okay y would the server be ghetto the server was miraculous with builds towns, and nice people(Not saying this b/c i had a rank) Also THe reason why it is done is because PopeXIII and Sorbika(OWNERS) decided it would be best to close server due to the fact that they are getting very busy(Real Life).

    #846 Score: 0


    Aweeeeeeeeeerhh, Ive always wanted to meet pope and mav since day four at Whocraft. I joined sadly, Too late from his resign. :l If you guys hear any further from what we know now, Could I be notified? Thanks.

    #847 Score: 0


    Ive never said it was “ghetto” (i dont even know what it means :\ ) And yeah ive never met Them well too beacuse i didnt really talk in the first month or so. Then he resign, then some other stuff hapened and…and…well the server was very diferent.

    #872 Score: 0


    Yeah, Pretty sad.They never did actually return to Whocraft. :L
    I wonder how they are now.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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