Raz04thund34’s guide
to being a moderator
Hello guys! I’m raz04thund34 and this is my guide to being a Trial moderator or higher. Well, let’s begin!
Know what to do. Well, what will you do if you don’t know what to do?
Help everybody! That’s what moderators do! The moderator position is created to help everybody. Don’t just help while a mod is online, somebody might recommend you to be a mod.
“Help yourself before helping others.”
Get the dictionary! Learn ten words a day! Attend English classes! These will also help you in being a Trial.
If you can’t handle other tasks (like banning players), please report it to the guys with a higher position!
Know the commands! Well, you’ll be able to help more persons if you know the commands. Refer to /help for learning your commands.
Please, do not give up. Don’t GIVE UP. GIVING UP will just give you problems. Problems will give up if you don’t give up.
Hey dude, this is the time to stop your raging attitude. Don’t be easily angry–It is just a game! If you lose, you will NOT BE JAILED !
Make yourself available in many social networking sites. These are must haves:
I. Skype account
II. E-mail account
That’s what you need! It’s easy to make these!
The most important thing of all. Just like in real life, follow the rules or you’re going to be jailed.
That’s it guys! These things will make you a Trial moderator! Stay tuned for further edits!
This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
RazorThunder. Reason: Formatting fixes
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