a idea for prison :D


Home Forums Prison Feedback a idea for prison :D

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  2Federal 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #82642 Score: 0

    12 pts

    when i was playing today i was think like wait i have a idea for the OP shop so my idea is to have fire there like sell your fire to the OP shop because alot of ppl dont use fire but we can make more ppl use it by leting them sell it to the OP shop and i have some more things that can be in the OP shop i will tell you blow.

    diamond blocks

    gold blocks

    iron blocks

    redstone blocks

    lapis blocks

    coal blocks

    emerald blocks

    iron ore

    gold ore
    diamond ore

    emerald ore

    redstone ore

    lapis ore

    coal ore’

    and like i said FIRE this will make alot more ppl go to the OP shop more so i hope this will be add in thank you for reading :)

    #82645 Score: 0


    Honestly I don’t think blocks ill be implemented because that is to OP and you will carry more items there, and therefore less trip’s to the OP shop. If it were to happen just might as well call it “Rank up shop”. It is a good idea but the head-mods might not accept it because of that reason,


    #82886 Score: 0

    12 pts

    well ores/ fire is a good idea to me

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