A Legacy


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This topic contains 12 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  cookie_monst3r 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #134606 Score: 0


    Some of you might remember me, I was one of the Head Mods before that came from WhoCraft/AwesomeCraft when born started EternalCracked back in January 2012 and became inactive around late 2014 and early 2015. I heard on Skype that the server was being shut down, and came here to thank you all, and especially the inspiration of it all. I want to give mad props to borncorp, who held out for so long even after almost the entire moderator team cycled through with new people. I also wanted to share how EternalCracked impacted my life today, nearly 4 years after the first influences EC had on me.

    Having dealt the server side moderation and managing the plugins/bugs previously, it provided me the earliest experience of computer science and technology. I owe it to borncorp for that opportunity, and it’s something that shaped my life as it is today. More than some of you who remember me may realize, EternalCracked has influenced my life positively in a direction that I have a passion for. I know it sounds asinine that Minecraft could change someone’s life, and it’s something I frequently overlook too – but to me it was more than just a video game. To me it was one of the most unique learning experiences anyone could ask for, and has molded my ambitions and future aspirations more than I sometimes realize.

    I talked about EternalCracked in my college application essay, comparing it to a business and gaining experience with problem solving and troubleshooting. It’s not something everyone experiences in a lifetime, and be able to draw something so significant out of. Subsequently, I’ll be starting college in California as a Computer Science major in less than a year, and I can attribute it partly to what I learned here at EternalCracked, and it’s something I’ll remember for a lifetime.

    Thank you borncorp, and everyone else who supported the server’s well-being throughout the years. I hope everyone keeps in touch; feel free to add me on Skype at “chibichuba” or email me at “chibichuba@gmail.com”.

    Best of wishes, and Happy Crafting. :)

    #134608 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Holy crap it’s Chibi

    #134610 Score: 0


    I never had the chance to actually talk to you, but trust me, I’ve heard good from you.

    You are one of the people that made EternalCraft itself. Unfortunately we didn’t live up to our name, apparently. I’ll add you on skype, KIT plz.

    #134652 Score: 0

    9 pts

    Ah i remember you chibi. Back in the day when you took away my fly and I hated you for it. But I deserved it :P. But you know, i’m glad to have played on this server with you and all the other mods at the time.


    #134656 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Chibi, you are one of the most impressive and well balanced individuals I have ever met. It was always a pleasure working with you. It’s true, EC gave us the experience some people can only dream of. You are going to kick ass in college and in life. Thank you for all your hard work in EC.

    #134657 Score: 0


    OMG its chibi!!!
    Leaves from the vine
    Falling so slow
    Like fragile, tiny shells
    Drifting on the flow

    #134660 Score: 0

    -5 pt

    Goodbye Chibi! I remember those days when you invited me to your town back then in survival 😀

    #134662 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I remember when you were headmod in all the server branches. You were my inspiration for mod back then dude!

    #134665 Score: 0

    4 pts


    #134667 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I didn’t know we could include this on our college essays. Also, Chibi is so old school he still uses “EternalCracked.”

    #134669 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Chibi, I still remember the time when I had some weird chest issue, where everything in my chests disappeared, and you and Bongo both helped me recover that.
    I always looked up to you before I got mod, as thought you were a god of sorts.
    I wish you good luck in your life, Chibi, you deserve it for all you’d done for the server.

    #134712 Score: 0

    14 pts

    I remember that underwater town with world edit

    #134718 Score: 0

    2 pts

    ^^^^^ I FORGOT you STOLE THAT FROM ME….. his town fell and i claimed over it and he made himself mayor -.- claiming that costed like 500k and i put 3mil in the bank and he made himself mayor and it just fell again -.- oh well rip ec

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