A Little Question…


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This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  borncorp 11 years ago.

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  • #60311 Score: 0


    I need a past-donor or a mod to answer me, if you’ve had prestige in the past can you renew whenever you want? Some people say yes, some say no. I need an official answer D:

    #60316 Score: 0


    Sorry.i don’t know the answer,because i was only gold donor.I am sure that skill,bongo or a guardian mod will help you soon.Try to find them in the game.

    #60321 Score: 0


    For any donor rank, you can renew up to the point it expires. After that you have to buy it at full price.

    #60322 Score: 0

    14 pts

    So like in December you bought prestige, that costed $20

    So in January, your donor expired and you didn’t renew, but if you did, it would have been $10

    Now in february, the cost of prestige donor will continue to cost $20 because you didn’t renew from before and yeah…

    #60324 Score: 0

    7 pts

    No, you can’t. You need to renew before your donor rank expires.

    #60339 Score: 0

    16 pts

    You can renew as much as you want. If you got prestige, and let’s say you buy it on February 13th, and let’s say it goes till March 13th. You can renew prestige for 10 bucks before March 13th, after March 13th, its full price. But let’s say you buy prestige on February the 13th, you can renew it everyday, but don’t renew it TOO much, I’ve heard Xavier renewed twice at once, and his donor rank got turned to member.

    #60342 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Rogue urt statement is incorrect. To renew, u are suppose to send in a custom order under the renew section of ec website which born will process this himself. You can renew unlimited time and it wont really matter much aince born renews for you

    #60526 Score: 0


    This is what I mean some people say unlimited time some people say only before it expires :/

    #60528 Score: 0

    23 pts

    $15 and $20 ranks can be renewed for only $10 if paid before the expiration date of the plan.
    $35 Emerald rank can be renewed for only $20 if paid before the expiration date of the plan.

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