A Message to _Zko7_


Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal A Message to _Zko7_

This topic contains 34 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Waveware 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #101462 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Let’s break this down. From the past of ec, you have been caught hacking multiple times throught out all of Ec’s servers. You are highly suspected as a hacker in other servers as well, but you were also banned multiple times.

    You claim that you have many brothers and recently have an older brother called “bummer.” We do not need such verification of real identity at this time, but we all know that each member of your family that players minecraft on Eternal Craft were all banned at least once for Hacking.

    Under the rules, hacking is something that is not allowed. You were caught once with valid proof and you asked to be unbanned because it was your “first time” and asked for a second chance. You were given your second chance.

    Now, you called me an abuser and want to get things straight.

    You were banned twice on Factions server for these reasons below.

    1. Having a hack client with Name tag identifier.

    You had some sort of hack client (name not avaliable) that could see name tags when people were shifting and straight through walls. Then you started to mine towards that specific player and wanted to attack them.

    This happened nearby your base and it was considered a raid. The member involved was 01010100.

    2. Having Kill Aura (Hack client)

    You were pvping in the End and i recieved few reports about possible hack client from you. I decided to tp to you and I was killed pretty fast in a hole @ /warp end when you were pvping other diamonds guys. I decided to retest my theory and tped back to you and you killed me instant while I was flying above you.

    None of these bans were absive bans and you were caught.

    From the survival server, you were also banned for hacking before with clear evidence. Bummer was also banned for hacking.

    A simply question I would like to ask is “How would you benefit Eternal Craft if we unbanned a hacker?”

    Another question is “Why do you have 15 or more ips releated to your account?”
    -As you stated before, you claimed that you unplugged your modem and reset it. I done this before and tested it and many people can confirm that this does not change your ip. The results are the same worldwide and we can confirm it.

    Soo far, none of your ban appeals are valid. If you provide enough evidence here, we might reconsider our deicison and make a better choice. Post stuff here will be reviewed by the moders that can help with this issue.

    Making up lies don’t help you at all. We have the necessary proof to stop action that you would like to take.

    This isn’t meant for members to comment, but ehh I don’t know.
    (This is a message directly to _Zko7_)

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  Wither.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  Wither.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  Wither.
    #101481 Score: 0


    Wither ik but this isnt Why me and Ppl are saying i should be unbanned I already know that I had 1 chance before and I figuer it would be my last one…. Also now I wanna get unbanned cuz the video doesn’t show anything at me so why am still banned and u keep saying what well ec benefit am saying what wouldn’t it benefit from them while u guys banned them and u guys don’t know if they were hacking and also u banned sko and he was offline u guys have no proof on sko so….. Becuz I got banned I can get 1 extra free ban ??? And give it to Sko ?

    #101483 Score: 0


    Sko wasn’t in the video ur saying what would it benefit from sko then it wouldn’t/would benefit fro sko … like what ec’s benefit from a normal member over SV Now ?

    #101484 Score: 0


    See first sko wasn’t in the video so u guys don’t have any reason for banning him

    Second I was in the video but PPl and some mods are saying there’s no any sign of hacking

    So unban us let us play on our last chance if I was hacking I would be banned someday so ……. the point is if I was lying on u wither My lie wouldn’t hould up that much u will figure it out in the future and will get banned …… But as I say I wasn’t lying so what’s gonna happen if u unban me gonna play normal …………… And if I get banned again that means I hack but if I didnt u guys should know that I wasn’t hacking ….. At the video / first time

    And a, telling u again wither I didnt freaking say in my hole life I plugged on/of my modem I saif I clicked on the reset button which delete every f**** data including ip wifi name ……. Etc also ur freaking talking again about the same point can’t u see what I said befor in the last topic it says moving to another house change ip / going to ur friend house …. Etc I take my pc with me pretty much every time so …… Even if I had 15 ip that’s isn’t a problem … Also get caught using name tag that’s a not clear proof also u guys wasn’t shifiting and u were drinking invisi pot and u was vanish since I tried hitting u and couldn’t isn’t using vanish while a raid is abuse or something ?? Ur as ik got the highest rank on factions right and u tp to us in our faction and saw it all … And u assumed u were trying to see the fac name and ik that ur gonna say proof ? The proof is all my clan m8 + Jayden + zeblitzkiller since u admit tp to our fac to see the name of it and a high rank mod like u doing know the command /ff ??!!! Don’t tell me u forgot

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  _Zko7_.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  _Zko7_.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  _Zko7_.
    #101491 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    Firstly watched you for 5 mins in mg and you dont even try and hide the fact you use hacks tie that in with the fact you clearly never intended not to use them after being unbanned you’ve dug you and your brother/s a very deep hole.

    Secondly just like real life if you do something wrong it can/will affect other people in this case its your brother/s. We will not be unbanning him/them because that would allow you to log on thru those accounts which completely defeats the purpose of us banning you.

    Moral of this story: Don’t try and then try again and expect different results.

    #101492 Score: 0


    Aiden I am pro not hacking and when I pvp u afc I won’t run becuz I duel u at the first time and I’ll look like a noob if I ran away …. Or whatever also it’s mini games u can take the kit back any time so I won’t lose it rather than survival u die u lose ur stuff and don’t get it again ….. So there’s pretty much a lot of difference on MG / SV

    #101495 Score: 0


    Also while u pvp me my kit was stronger then urs and the fact u didn’t knew Me and sko fought with maximinoS and killed him with waveware both was mods I think and they called sko a hacker till we show them the video while we pvp with them then they believed that we are both pro ain’t hackers

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  _Zko7_.
    #101500 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Would you mind not spamming for once? You’re not a pro, you’re a fake pro.

    #101502 Score: 0


    Ander ask wave see who’s the pro ur self and am not spamming am just replying and also please don’t reply …… cuz this topic is to me not u so please do ur job and let me do mine and note : stop talking a lot ur annoying ppl a lot and getting in there way …… Mind ur own business please

    #101503 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Yes, Sko has beaten me but not Wave in KitPvp. Though we claim that he was not hacking at that time when we pvp. But not to mention how many times you call people noobs, including mods, which I think you have no idea the definition is.

    “Noob” is a slang word for “newbie” in the army, but has increased its popularity in online gaming, remarking that this player is new to the game/server/gameplay.

    Even if you’re not hacking, your verdict can also be replaced by your attitude towards the community. What you just said to Ander is a perfect example. You keep on saying things like you didn’t ask for a person’s opinion. But guess what? Cold War’s over, America won, communism is bad, freedom of speech.

    Excessive arrogance has everything to do with you.

    #101505 Score: 0

    13 pts

    My name is mentioned. I’ll try to comment why you should stay banned.

    Wither ik but this isnt Why me and Ppl are saying i should be unbanned I already know that I had 1 chance before and I figuer it would be my last one…. Also now I wanna get unbanned cuz the video doesn’t show anything at me so why am still banned and u keep saying what well ec benefit am saying what wouldn’t it benefit from them while u guys banned them and u guys don’t know if they were hacking and also u banned sko and he was offline u guys have no proof on sko so….. Becuz I got banned I can get 1 extra free ban ??? And give it to Sko ?
    Wither is trying to prove his point that your entire family that plays on the server isn’t really “non hackers”. The server will be better with less hackers, and with more good players people will feel like they belong here.

    Sko wasn’t in the video ur saying what would it benefit from sko then it wouldn’t/would benefit fro sko … like what ec’s benefit from a normal member over SV Now ?
    If the server bans Sko, it will benefit. Just check my reason above ^.

    See first sko wasn’t in the video so u guys don’t have any reason for banning him

    Second I was in the video but PPl and some mods are saying there’s no any sign of hacking

    So unban us let us play on our last chance if I was hacking I would be banned someday so ……. the point is if I was lying on u wither My lie wouldn’t hould up that much u will figure it out in the future and will get banned …… But as I say I wasn’t lying so what’s gonna happen if u unban me gonna play normal …………… And if I get banned again that means I hack but if I didnt u guys should know that I wasn’t hacking ….. At the video / first time

    And a, telling u again wither I didnt freaking say in my hole life I plugged on/of my modem I saif I clicked on the reset button which delete every f**** data including ip wifi name ……. Etc also ur freaking talking again about the same point can’t u see what I said befor in the last topic it says moving to another house change ip / going to ur friend house …. Etc I take my pc with me pretty much every time so …… Even if I had 15 ip that’s isn’t a problem … Also get caught using name tag that’s a not clear proof also u guys wasn’t shifiting and u were drinking invisi pot and u was vanish since I tried hitting u and couldn’t isn’t using vanish while a raid is abuse or something ?? Ur as ik got the highest rank on factions right and u tp to us in our faction and saw it all … And u assumed u were trying to see the fac name and ik that ur gonna say proof ? The proof is all my clan m8 + Jayden + zeblitzkiller since u admit tp to our fac to see the name of it and a high rank mod like u doing know the command /ff ??!!! Don’t tell me u forgot
    This is completely irrelevant. Wither wasn’t talking about the same point over and over again, I doubt it is possible to move 15 times in a month, if you haven’t realized (when you’re in “/v” the server counts you as not there, if you are able to see someone’s name tag and he’s in V. That means you are seeing someone who is using invis pot and you can see their name tag, this is hacking). I took a class in debating and they thought me that when someone is panicked or running/no out of ideas they will start using harsher words and more personal reasons.

    Aiden I am pro not hacking and when I pvp u afc I won’t run becuz I duel u at the first time and I’ll look like a noob if I ran away …. Or whatever also it’s mini games u can take the kit back any time so I won’t lose it rather than survival u die u lose ur stuff and don’t get it again ….. So there’s pretty much a lot of difference on MG / SV

    Also while u pvp me my kit was stronger then urs and the fact u didn’t knew Me and sko fought with maximinoS and killed him with waveware both was mods I think and they called sko a hacker till we show them the video while we pvp with them then they believed that we are both pro ain’t hackers

    Uh, in the video you almost killed us both because you were in the ground(to us).We didn’t want to lose that much recognition so we just be quiet and congratulate you. and I never said you two were pros, I suspected both of you for hacks before hand. Then you ask to 2v2 us (I suspect this is the part when you recorded), you just turn it off during this recording and then after the recording, you turned it on and went on to keep hacking. You used this video as a sort of “proof” to try to trick people. But we well know all the tricks you can do to get away with things.

    Ander ask wave see who’s the pro ur self and am not spamming am just replying and also please don’t reply …… cuz this topic is to me not u so please do ur job and let me do mine and note : stop talking a lot ur annoying ppl a lot and getting in there way …… Mind ur own business please
    Job? Member’s “job” is to comment on things, if it is on the forums, then it’s their business. You are the one not doing your “job”. As a member, forum spam is not allowed and can result in a forum ban.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  Waveware. Reason: I shrunken my vocabulary for Zko to comprehend it better
    #101507 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Yeah, this whole time you’ve been insulting me and saying I have no rights to post on your topics. Well guess what? As Max said, The Cold War is over, freedom of speech. And guess what my response is towards you? I don’t give a S*** bro. You don’t threaten me nor insult me, all you do is make yourself look worse and worse.

    #101508 Score: 0


    Max well it was 2 v 2 and wave had 25% hp and I don’t like ander replying to my topics since he say stuff while he don’t know the whole story and make me argue with him then he say to me that am spamming ….but I just call my mod frineds noobs like zeblitz cuz we was calling each other noobs since zeblitz wasn’t mod and might say it sometimes to other but what I mean with it that ur like not that pro but i don’t think its a bad word or anything and u know how we fight and I think u saw BO2 video that shows me in it 2 and u can also decide if that is hacking … Cuz wave saw it and said there’s no hacking

    #101510 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Zko, I don’t need to know ANY of the story, I can infer based off of all your spammy comments. As a matter of fact, this is my business, it’s an open forum, you cannot filter who goes on your topics. Heck, if I was a bad person I would’ve been a lot ruder, but I’m not that bad of a person.

    As for your spamming, cut it out, as it’s not helping, only making everything come closer to crashing to the ground.

    #101511 Score: 0


    Ander am not the Who said u should not to talk on this topic since he said this isn’t meant for memebers….. Just between me and him ur making all this argue and I don’t want it so let me talk with wither in peace alone with some time and I don’t know replying a lot is spamming and can u guys tell me or show me another place where I can reply to wither so u guys don’t get spammed ……?

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