A Plugin for the mods (and just for the fun of it)


Home Forums Survival Plugin Request / Discussion A Plugin for the mods (and just for the fun of it)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Omega 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #23679 Score: 0


    Hey Mods, this is mainly for you, as I’m sure that players would have too much fun (for the sake of not saying abuse) with this plugin. The name is DisguiseCraft.

    Simple Version:

    DisguiseCraft is a plugin that allows you to disguise (with /d (mob) as any mob or player (with /d player [name] ). It would help mods in countless ways, and is an overall very fun plugin. Link to the official page here: here. Mods, please do get back to me on this! Reply!

    More Explained Version:

    It was a plugin I had on my old server, and I do quite hope that it is still running, as it is an amazing plugin. The idea is simple. People with permissions can do /disguise (mob) or /disguise (player) (name), and there are a bunch of other commands, that can be found on the plugin page here. This mod works surprisingly well, and I have never had any bugs with this.

    Now, the goal for giving it to mods (I don’t know who would have this, maybe Guard+, Head, Expert+, I really will leave that to you) is to achieve a spy-like and well working method of finding players. Mods like Nhu, constantly checking for x-rays, can appear to be, say, a Skeleton, or Zombie, or more likely be a Bat, so that players wouldn’t care about them. Much better than /v in my opinion. Or, mods can do /dis player (name), allowing them to act like a normal player around others. This is very well done, as you will also receive the player’s cape, skin, and name in-chat. Overall, I simply love this plugin, and think that though it is too powerful for players, it is nice for mods. Much more commands, and information in general can be found on the dev page, here.

    Mods, please be sure to get back to me on what you think, and if you ever do decide to install this plugin. I would love to know.

    The love of your life, OmegaX

    #23680 Score: 0



    #23681 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Not to burst your bubble, but mods can already spy with /vanish which is much more effective than disguises… Plus didn’t we already have this plugin at one point? Or am I remembering wrong?

    #23682 Score: 0


    I don’t know, maybe we did have this plugin. And I know that mods can use /v, I just think that this is really fun, and a bit more… creative.

    #23684 Score: 0


    Sounds awesome and creative!  I really hope we get this plugin for the server! 😀

    #23692 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Yes, we had this plugin, but it got removed. Not sure why

    #23709 Score: 0


    Buggy maybe

    #23715 Score: 0


    Maybe, I don’t know. If Chibichuba, Shaman97, or Born can please repsond on why we had this removed? I haven’t tested it in a while toni, but I know that it was certainly not buggy when I had it. Also, it is constantly updated as well.

    #24295 Score: 0


    Anything on the plugin?

    #24300 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Yeah, we removed it because for some reason a disguised player with armor and weapons wont show the weapons or armor.

    #24301 Score: 0


    Oh, I see. That’s why I had requested it for the mods only, it sounds like so much fun xD

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