A (possible) solution to the griefing problem


Home Forums Survival General discussion A (possible) solution to the griefing problem

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  gone 13 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #577 Score: 0


    Hey guys.
    Griefing is a major problem on most servers and must be dealt with.
    I know about the griefing in the wilderness and towns rule, but i think that griefing
    must be controlled in some way, or else griefers will just roam free in the wilderness, breaking anything they see fit.
    This must be fixed, as this is one of the reasons the old whocraft lost players and support. I don’t think griefing should be completely regulated in the wild (its too hard) but it must be restrained in some way. Therefore, I’m proposing that the players report the griefing, but only major griefs and not things that can be fixed in a couple of seconds. The people that are found griefing in the wilderness should be put on a list of some sort or marked in some way, so if they grief multiple times, then they can be dealt with appropriately.
    While i agree that joining a town to avoid getting griefed is a good idea, a lot of towns don’t have plots to give out, such as Divinity, and towns are expensive to start. The plots in the town are only as big as a chunk, so mines are ineffective in towns with a lot of plots (solvable with a town mine) and there is not a lot of building room in towns and since the only ways of making money being Mob Arena and farms, towns cant be easily started.
    Leaving the situation in this state is not a good idea, and SOMETHING should be done about this. I don’t think this plan is a perfect one, and more moderators are needed. I think that while the old whocraft system was effective,it is not effective now, and unless people start taking the initiative to prevent griefing, this server will be griefed to hell, and i don’t want to see that happen. I’ve seen too many servers with perfect maps turned into a hellish, war zone with griefers running around uncontrolled, and i don’t want to see this server be turned into one of those.
    Something MUST be done to prevent this, and doing something now before it gets out of hand is the oppertune time.

    Thanks for Your Consideration,
    – danielxing

    #596 Score: 0


    well, were hoping that people arent going to build masterpieces in the wild. I would think that usually people would only build a sort of small, wooden house or nice shack and save and collect recourses and money until they were able to join a town.

    #604 Score: 0


    I have my masterpieces in the wild 😀

    #691 Score: 0


    I support Danielxing’s thought about ditching the griefing in the wild rule. Many new players don’t have a town to join so they have to resort living in the wild but what would be the point of this if they can get easily griefed. Also, many ppl prefer about living in the wild as there is no restriction on how big your house can be. So can either Born, Hobeezy or Aninfid please review this. Thanks 😀

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