A suggestion for creative


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Miko004 10 years ago.

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  • #96184 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I’m noticing the general trend in creative is Spanish people, and earlier I noticed one fighting with xZero about whether the server was English or not, that’s how bad it’s getting, they’re literally taking over. (No offense to any Spaniards, I’m just proving a point here, I believe in every person being free no matter what) So I was wondering if we could add a something that lets you select your language upon arrival to the server, if there’s a way.

    #96185 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I think someone made a topic about this for Sv a few months ago. But not sure.

    We can’t tell them to do /lang they may not know what your saying so it’s no way in the world that they will even stop so it will be like this for a long time or forever. But the server is 80% full of Spanish people so I know wut you mean.

    #96186 Score: 0

    13 pts

    I don’t think it’s needed. Yes theres alot of Spanish users in CR but I don’t feel any problem with it. I know this problem aswell, When this new guy joined the server then he asked if this server was an English server but then the other users says its a Spanish servers. Sometimes i don’t get it, The announcements,spawns,signs everything is in English but they kept saying its a spanish server..

    #96188 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Yeah well the problem in creative is that’s a couple hundred /memberL commands ._.

    #96192 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I suggested a week ago (for MG, CR and FC mainly, and not on the forums) a solution for this; in short, players, when they join the first time, are directly redirected to the Lang chat, to get out of it, there’s a command written in a book or something.

    It’s not discrimination, if it was only for me I wouldn’t do what I’ve just said above, but that way we bring more English-speaking players, and still have the flow of players from other nationalities (CR is turning good atm tho) :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    PS: Polar bears drinking Coke? ‘Murica has really taken over the planet.. 😛

    #96197 Score: 0


    aren’t there the /english and /noenglish commands after an announcement?
    also, there is a plugin that could help:

    #96199 Score: 0

    1 pt

    We will be adding the /english and /noenglish channels soon.
    Also, @Miko004 that plugin you linked is buggy, it was tried in Factions and failed, so I’m refraining from adding that for now.

    Thank you all for your suggestions.

    #96360 Score: 0


    Alright @deasertman but isn’t there another version that’s not buggy?

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