A syth22 ban appeal


Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal A syth22 ban appeal

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89286 Score: 0


    Oh my, I’ve been banned! Here is the template:
    Ingame Name: syth22
    When were you banned: 12/22/14
    Why were you banned: Minimap mod
    Who banned you: maxminoS
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: Let me say some things before I get to in depth with this, for one I used the map in prison and was ultimately banned from factions, and without proof that I used it in
    factions and banned was wrong, and I can’t access my PC but almost sure I’m not banned in prison. So here we go: I now realize what I did was wrong actually, considering I had never seen an EC rule aginst minimaps, I went ahead and took precaution anyway and installed a minimap that did not allow waypoints, visualization of players or mobs, and didn’t show anything except surface level terrain. Regardless I still thought it wasn’t much of an advantage, as far as I knew “Damage Indicators” and “Advantageous mods” were not allowed. As proof that I had no clue it was wrong I included it in my post “-BIG PRISON SALE-” in the top right corner. In all honesty if I had known it was wrong I would have never installed it and have now removed it from my folder. I would like all of you to take this as a misunderstanding not an offense, and I would like to request unban because of it. Also I would like for the announcement about Damage Indicators being banned to include Minimaps as well. I now know what I have done is wrong and am willing to take full punishment even if it was misunderstood for the time being. As previously stated I’ve removed it from my client. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    #89287 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I’d say you should be unbanned, 1st of all the ban is not on the right server.
    2nd of all I believe you in saying you didn’t know, and the announcements should indeed be edited.

    I would want to give you one tip too evade this problem again in the future:
    Only use aestethical mods, aka mods that make MC look different/nicer, such as shaders and all that.

    Hope you’ll get unbanned 😮


    #89288 Score: 0

    14 pts

    I went ahead and took precaution anyway and installed a minimap that did not allow waypoints, visualization of players or mobs, and didn’t show anything except surface level terrain.

    I see some triangles in your map? that’s like the Truth..

    #89289 Score: 0


    @Wither oh yeah there was this feature that showed my latest death, I tried all the hot keys to try it off but couldn’t find a hot key to toggle 😛

    #89290 Score: 0

    1 pt

    lol syth22 yeah he should be unbanned because the rules dint say the mod wasnt allowed and stuff also it only shows the terrains so

    #89294 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Minimaps aren’t allowed. Period.

    #89309 Score: 0


    Update: this appeal is now counted towards all EC servers

    #89310 Score: 0

    ^^ Sweet Revenge 😉

    #89332 Score: 0

    7 pts

    You will be unbanned in 24 hours. Please remove it immediately.

    Topic Closed

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