A weird survey that actually does not help


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Trevish 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #131711 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Plz list the thingys u hope to be there and the things u want to be removed in Prison
    •near-body battle weapon
    •hobo chest
    •combat tag
    •different rank L trades
    •free world
    •lower level that will be required for fixing expensive stuff
    •a scanner scams more than 10M at once will be delt with
    •bullies will be warned or punished
    •op shop
    •the way to go to op shop
    •armor that gives u extra health

    #131714 Score: 0


    No, crackshot makes prison gameplay unique and interesting

    near-body battle weapon
    Also known as melee weapons battle. Should have ranged and melee weapons imo

    hobo chest
    Idk what is this though

    combat tag
    Combat tag is to prevent people from quitting during PvP, which makes it unfair for people who are in PvP. IMO the combat tag should be replaced with some similar combat tag plugin which eradicate line huggers

    different rank L trades
    Yes please change, rank L is too expensive for things similar to rank K

    free world
    May or may not be needed. Some people wants to focus of prestiging and others wants to focus on freedom world

    lower level that will be required for fixing expensive stuff
    Mojang’s issue, I don’t think they can change

    a scanner scams more than 10M at once will be dealt with
    No, part of prison gameplay so be careful

    bullies will be warned or punished
    Yes, bullies should be warned or punished, name calling etc are not acceptable. Makes gameplay not fun.

    op shop
    Should keep, it provides extra challenge for the brave ones

    the way to go to op shop
    Should change every month so people won’t find going to OP shop a trivial thing

    •armor that gives u extra health
    Armours with attributes such as extra health and knock back resistance will be good

    May or may not be needed

    #131738 Score: 0


    Strawpoll is better :>

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