About Dshop prices and items :)


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Trevish 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #83484 Score: 0


    Im not here to talk only about the expensive items here but also on the items we lack in dshop and also the ”too” cheap items
    Starting with resources:
    The price of the ingots are good but i think the ORES of those items are NOT important..People usually buy the ingots most of the time and its VERY rare for a person to buy the ore itself..we also lack glowstone[NOT BLOCK] and lapis lazuli[Neither ORE And Nor Block]
    Btw the quartz[NoT BLOCK NOR ORE]is expensive ..It was $20 before and Now directly $100..Increased 5 times…
    We also lack gun powders
    About glasses:
    I believe that the prices of glasses[except normal one] should be all same
    I see some $55,some $30 ..But they are all stained..It would be good if they were same price..and also..The price is OK but still.it was cheaper before but its not a big problem since it hasn’t been increased a lot*was $35*
    This also apply to hardened clay
    Normal Blocks
    Quartz Block is expensive..It was $100 before and now directly $200…
    Soul sand was $10 before ,now $50
    Glowstone Block was$15 or $10 before and now $30
    Flowers are kinda unecessary but well ,if u wanna keep it..its ok
    Spawn Eggs & Animal items
    Ok.The spawn eggs price are good EXCEPT
    Horse spawn eggs and Villagers spawn eggs.
    They are kinda TOO CHEAP
    Horse was 5k before and villager was 6.5k and i believe those were the right prices to put.Why?Simple question:Which is harder to find a chicken or a villager?a horse or a cow?
    What we lack?
    Ghast Tear
    Water Bottles
    Spider Eye
    Lapis Lazuli
    Nether wart price[From $10 to $500]
    This is only a review of dshop.

    #83487 Score: 0


    Still, if u play on a superflat world, you will find villagers and horses before any other animal.

    Just a joke, and yeah dshop kinda sux……

    #83509 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Horse was 5k before and villager was 6.5k and i believe those were the right prices to put.Why?Simple question:Which is harder to find a chicken or a villager?a horse or a cow?

    I think there Horse/Villagers spawn eggs are cheap because those are the spawn egg that people don’t really buy..Cow/Pigs are a bit expensive then Horse/Villagers because You can use the pigs and cows for food farm.

    #83510 Score: 0


    All spawn eggs are same price

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