Abuse of assistant rank in town


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  MeetTheVoid 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #17218 Score: 0


    Hello fellow moderators and players. I am here to report another abuse of assistant rank, yet again. First it was hyper, who destoryed about a stack of pistons from our town melon farm. And his excuse was that he was making the farm more efficient or something, but of course I did not believe it though I forgave him. But now, Beretta3 griefed our huge sugarcane farm that was painstakingly made by all my town assistants and me myself. He griefed the dirt the sugarcanes grow on, the dirt the water flow on. And of course, not forgetting more than half of the pistons. I am really disappointed with his act as I had more than trusted him to make him my assistant, but what did he do in return? Grief and betrayal of course. I am really disheartened by this incident and really hope for actions to be taken on this issue.

    #17219 Score: 0


    And were sure hes not gonna make it better this time?

    #17220 Score: 0


    He definately wasn’t. He broke the fences surrounding the farm, and placed netherrack all around. How is that making it better?

    #17221 Score: 0



    #17253 Score: 0


    Hey guys. It’s me again. Just want to let you know that it’s partially my fault. Beretta3 said Void allowed him to buy the plot where the sugarcane farm was. He asked if he can build something there. I thought for a while and allowed him. Later, he started destroying the pistons and sugarcanes while I planted it back, he told me to help destroy everything and he’s going to build something awesome. “Did you ask Void?” I asked. “Yes,” he replied. So in my POV, I thought you allowed him to. So sorry Void, I know that it’s my fault. Don’t ban Beretta. I told him if void allows you to then it’s okay to do whatever you want. Just return the stuff to void when you’re done. If you really think that its assistant abuse, I will make and return all items that you lost. I will be held charge of what Beretta3 had done. Just let him build what he wants and it could be awesome. Just don’t ban Beretta3. He’s a good friend of mine and he wouldn’t purposely do such a thing. Demote or kick me if you want. I was the one who saw him do it and didnt do anything to stop.
    Very sorry about it void.
    -zevguns :(

    #17293 Score: 0


    Okay yes, i did take the pistons and the sugarcane, do not blame zevguns ONE BIT for any of this, it was all my fault, zevguns did nothing.  Second, I was walking around and it said FOR SALE.  I thought, huh! I have some money, why not pay the extra taxes and use this, and it was actually 2 plots and i bought them both.  I have a friend (Apophis) who just joined the server because i recomended it to him.  I said he could use this plot, but i said let me move these pistons out of the way (they are back now) and remove the sugarcane(soon to be back).  Well, i put it off for a bit then decided to.  Zevguns was on and i said to him to get rid of the sugarcane, i dont want it.  He did (I said to, he was just being a good friend and decided to help me).  Then i left for a bit and got a message from void saying i destroyed some fence and put netherrack down.  I have no idea whats wrong with netherrack, and i thought the fence was part of the plot, i didnt know that that was the assistant working its duty.  Granted, it was on the side things, but i could place things on my half slabs around my house, why cant i here?  So i destroyed (i think) 3 pieces of fence, which are also now replaced.  So, yes, i took the pistons, they are back, redstone pieces are back, the fence is back, and the sugarcane is in the process because i only had enough from a last period of time to use on that, which is now growing and i will replace.  I am deeply sorry for this and i am sorry.

    #17294 Score: 0


    Also, i will admit to it.  I lied.  I lied to Zevguns and i lied to Void. I respect any punishments coming my way.  Oh and Void, i never said anything about making the farm more efficiant…

    #17304 Score: 0


    Thread can be closed now. It has all been settled within our town :)

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