Home Forums Prison Reports ABUSERS

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  AgentLOLz_ 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89395 Score: 0


    So Dark says “Come to /warp pvp” I did and I spammed my darts and my MoDs on him and he goes into creative. BS

    #89398 Score: 0


    Tito, I was fixing something there. I did said “Come to /warp pvp”, but then own7ge reported something. So I said “Hold on” and tped to own. Then you came and MoDed me without knowing the situation, when you’re actually able to read and understand what’s going on.

    #89401 Score: 0


    All i saw was u saying come to warp pvp and i did and i saw u and i moded and ua nd i darted u and u went to fking creative

    #89403 Score: 0


    Well.. Apparently its your fault for not reading what Own7ge said. He reported the bug to me in main chat, so everyone should be able to see it…

    #89414 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Why would you attack a headmod anyway? There’s an announcement that says ” Do not attack moderators! It will most likely cause you to be killed!” ..

    #89420 Score: 0


    Well Tito, dark is 100% right. It’s not because you spammed your MoD’s on him then that he is wrong. And as stated before, it’s your fault for not reading the chat.
    Topic Closed.

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