AccorK Luring me


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This topic contains 11 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Spy 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #53875 Score: 0


    I accepted his/her Tpa because i’m evil and i want to report people >:D

    (If you prefer tiny pic or Imgur, I’m on a mac which both of them don’t support minecraft files)

    I also had a Iron armour set, Which i need refunds for.


    • This topic was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  Spy. Reason: Accidentally posting it without finishing ;
    • This topic was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  Spy. Reason: ERGH
    #53879 Score: 0


    It only shows you dying, we need evidence of a service or item offered which led to you tping to them and if it was a random tp, we cannot refund you for this.

    #53883 Score: 0


    As pie said, we need evidence that this player offered a service and this wasnt just a random /tpahere. Also, imgur does support screenshots off a mac btw. I upload them all the time.


    #53884 Score: 0


    Invalid report. Random tpas are legal as long as they are random and the “lurer” offers you something,also you don’t have any proof that he offered you something and it’s a pain to find something like that on the logs xD And yeah you basically said that it was a random tpa,so no need for a search in the logs.
    There is an announcement saying to decline or ignore random tpas for a reason.
    Sorry,but you won’t be getting a refund :/

    #53885 Score: 0


    @pie_master073 Hmmph? On the chat it says ‘mizodaspy was slashed by AccorK’

    It was a random TP.

    I wouldn’t lie about someone luring me unless I’m *that* annoying. And seriously? It shows my iron armour entities and my ‘You Died’ screen…

    So i really want it back because i spent 5.5k on it and i can’t get it back due to money shortage.


    #53886 Score: 0


    @Xavier3479 Why in the 7 colours of the rainbow did you guess if it was random or not?


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  Spy.
    #53888 Score: 0


    It may say you died but that doesn’t show us how you got to that stage in the first place. And the announcement frequently says random tps cannot be refunded.

    #53889 Score: 0


    @Antares6 Offers me what?

    Why am i trying to outsmart repliers ^^.^^


    Wait for a Admin+ To answer.

    #53890 Score: 0


    @pie_master073 Ok. No refunds for me. Tyyalex will have a talk with him ;/


    P.S. I wanna know what happens to a Griefer that gets a Lurer tag?

    #53891 Score: 0


    mizo this looks like a random tp. There is no evidence that this was a lure.

    #53892 Score: 0


    By offer i mean he says he will give yo usomething,or he wants to show you something,or he wants to buy/sell something,etc.

    #53894 Score: 0


    Invalid Report.
    Reason: He has not offered something, and all repliers have disagreed.


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