Add more items to Op shop.
This topic contains 12 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Beast 9 years, 11 months ago.
Now some of you may know about the Op shop as we call it in Prison. It’s a place where you sell all your goods / loot. And it’s at /warp pvp if you didn’t know alryd.
But anyways! A long time ago i made a topic saying i wanted more loot like Gold ore, Iron ore, Coal Nether Quartz, dirt / sand and more.
Becuase don’t you just hate having like 30stacks of gold ores in your plot and you don’t want to get fire and turn it into ingots and etc? Becuase I do.
It would be better for players anyways.
Now i was thinking the cost of some of this stuff could be and i came up with this.64 Coal: 480$
64 Gold Ore: 5.5k
64 Iron Ore: 4.4k
1 / 64 Dirt: 1 Dirt for 6k 64 Dirt 70k
1 / 64 Sand: 1 Sand 2k 64 Sand 30kThanks for reading my idea. 😉
The only thing I don’t agree with is the coal.
Show a little effort, smelt your ores. Even if you don’t like it, all I can say is: Deal with it.
The rank shops give you the opportunity to sell these ores without smelting, use it.
After the restart that Prison had, there are enough rankup opportunities available:
-Mines are allmost literally overflowing with ores.
-Shop prices have more or less increased.Thus there is no need to add anything to OPshop and make it even easier for players to rankup.
In short: No.
He was just giving a suggestion….no need to be rude or something…
“Show a little effort,smelt your ores” so you say he is being lazy….he was just giving a suggestion for those newcomers so they can rank up fast and thats not only for him…it’s for everyoneAs wither said below we get less money per stack of ores compared to the last prison…but yeah you said mines are overflowing with we get to mine more,sell less,pick axe fastly degrades…
Squirt has a point there doe.. New people could love that.
I highly disagree, the rank up is still the same. Nothing actually changed.
You guys changed the price of the shops and we get less money per stack.
Bm used to have tons of diamond and emerald shops to sell items. Now there are nearly any good ones.
There are also actually people who never ever go to OP Shop (A player called WitherPlayMc) and sell things off at shops and bm. Prices at bm have been terrible, and i vote up for tavon’s idea.
Stuff between regular players and players going to OP shop don’t have a good difference ratio
Personal Story: 2 weeks before the reset, I was at rank I. Still to this day, I am still at rank I. There are also ore parties that aren’t even balanced and pretty rigged at “certain time” where people miss everything and get no advantage. Seems unlegit.
He has a point squirt tavon i dont think u should make this ONLY an advantage for yourself
Advantage for me? XD i don’t play prison that much and tbh I have never seen the op shop before :3…I’m just concerned for the new players <3
I think it’s an advantage for everyone.
1 / 64 Dirt: 1 Dirt for 6k 64 Dirt 70k
1 / 64 Sand: 1 Sand 2k 64 Sand 30k
Those prices aren’t proportional.
You loose 314k if you sell dirt in a stack, rather than a stack of dirt sold individually.
You loose 98k if you sell sand in a stack.
Dirt should be 384k, and Sand should be 128k.Lol I agree with tavon
I disagree
1. Mines are Op
2. Op shop prices are great how it isI agree cause I’m so poor in Prisons 😛
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