Add stuff 2 Skyblock?


Home Forums Minigames Reports Add stuff 2 Skyblock?


This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ipodnick950 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #105089 Score: 0


    First of all I know I know I made a topic about this already but honestly, when are people going to add stuff to the skyblock shop XD! Im not sure but I think I waited 2 weeks for a response on a specific date when more stuff will be added. I hope you can add it soon I’m tired of asking admins if I could trade them some gold for some item. Thanks for your help and make sure to leave items that will be added into the skyblock shop!

    #105116 Score: 0


    More stuffs will be added soon but since the HeadModerators are busy with IRL stuffs, we have to wait.

    #105206 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    What would you like to see added and what should it be traded for?
    I’ll add it when i get time.
    Our main problem is the mg owner (Omega) is MIA atm.

    #106228 Score: 0


    Well things that I would like you admins out there to improve are to more skyblock challenges, events to see who is 1 island, fair trades in /ishop, and things like spawners for 8 gold maybe.

    #106229 Score: 0


    Te one is to represent number one island

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