Added banvote on Minigames


Home Forums Minigames Issues/Other Added banvote on Minigames

This topic contains 32 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Palace_Destroyer (ethanowens,Zegrilo,miniwolverineX) 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #90253 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Player can now vote to tempban someone who is hacking. Just do /banvote (Player) (Reason)

    #90272 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Well what if somebody has a tons of haters online born -…-

    #90273 Score: 0


    Ander- then you’ll be unbanned if you’re wrongly banned im guessing 😐

    #90278 Score: 0


    The idea sounds great but also can be turned into a destructive command. What about guys with multiple accounts? S/He could just log into all of their accounts and do the /banvote command to get rid of dudes s/he dislikes.

    #90279 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Syd- I’m just saying that this could cause havoc, and it WILL be EXTEREMAKY annoying, I personally think banning is up to the mods, not putting it to a vote, because the policy is: No proof, no punishment. All I’m saying is I don’t agree, because this command could be easily abused by noobs who are bad at pvp..

    #90280 Score: 0

    20 pts

    WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!! This command is EXTREMELY destructive, I just did it, and it MUTES the player for 30 seconds!! HOLY MOSES THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA, IT ALLOWS MEMBERS TO MUTE EACH OTHER!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by  AnderZENZ.
    #90290 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Here are some situations where this can be abused:

    1. Someone starts a banvote just for fun and other players just do /banvote yes for fun also.

    2. Happens a lot with SuperSmash and KitPvP and often in HG: One of the participants is really good:
    a- he/she gets banned because he annoyed or killed other players.
    b- he/she gets banned because other players think he/she hacks.

    3. Ander stated it. If someone has a ton of haters on, what can he/she do?

    4. There’s no need for a ton of haters. One single hater and some bad minded players who always do /banvote yes will do.

    5. Some friends want to play alone in a game.
    a- they ban every single player who comes.
    b- another group comes, and the /banvote battle begins..

    6. Players speaking foreign languages get banned, cause, they annoy English prople. (And vice-versa) I’m not exaggerating. I got requests from players in CR to ban all Spanish peeps..

    There are probably more that I didn’t think of.

    Other reasons why you should remove banvote asap:
    – You probably have in mind to let players report when someone abuses. But thing is, how can they prove that someone isn’t hacking unless they’re recording 24/7? Plus it’ll spam the forums.

    Players quitting due to that will be 10x more than the players quitting due to hackers. And, btw, I rarely see people that quit because of the number of hackers: they just leave the game they were playing and play something else; sometimes they report (rarely tho). Someone who likes the server won’t quit because he saw a hacker flying in SS.

    – Ander said it. Why do we have mods in MG if now players can just ban each other with no proof at all?

    – (demonstrated in the first part of the reply) Players will be abusing, that’s a sure thing. Racism, hate, that’s what it’ll bring to the server.

    – It will go even worse with the time, because players will be hating each other more and more.

    I hope this will get removed super soon, because we cannot keep it if we want the server to have players enjoying it without fearing to get randomly tempbanned..
    What is the point of reporting? Reporting proves that someone is hacking. There’s no absolute proof you need to have when doing /banvote: EC isn’t a democratic server anymore, that way.
    I believe we do a pretty great job, everyday, spectating players, playing with those who are suspect.. Don’t we catch a lot of these bad hackers, everyday? So what’s the point of that banvote?

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    #90291 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Chillax, Halo on xbox has been having this option for a while and works fine. The ban is temporary and players can vote no to cancel this.

    #90293 Score: 0


    No just no, members having the ability to ban (even temporary) isn’t good. This can be abused in so many ways (check dice’s reply).

    #90296 Score: 0


    You guys leave the polar bear alone, I’m sure, considering he’s the server owner, that he has taken all of your thoughts into consideration and, regarding your thoughts, still decided it was a good idea. Now I understand there will be abuse from time to time, that’s just the unlucky side effect of giving the public power, but who’s to say they won’t be punished? So let’s give this thing a go, and if anything goes terribly wrong, I’m sure the staff team can handle it.

    #90297 Score: 0


    I don’t think its a good idea. Banvote will cause many players to get banned for no reason. For instance AliPvP_92, DuhMajesticMist and own7ge are great pvpers. Many players reported them for hacking but they weren’t hacking in any way. Ali was also accused of hacking on another kitpvp server. This command should be removed Cuz it can take away a large number of players from the server.

    #90300 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Agreed I got like 90% chance to get banned wif dis.

    #90302 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Yeah my PvP style is remotely different, the way I move my hand and such, I always get accused of hacks when I’m just better at PvP

    #90303 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Forgot to add: I think this should be removed, at least for members. I think if there’s an inconclusive report, THEN an Admin+ could put it to a vote, ONLY for inconclusive reports.

    #90322 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Here are the conclusions of 2 tests I made with, first time, Agent and deas (and skyrecruit), and, 2nd time, with Chillz. Both two didn’t go well, lol..

    First test:
    We were nearly alone, only us (me and Agent), skyrecruit and someone else, so we decided to test the banvote. We asked deas to come and to do /banvote yes. Agent started the banvote, deas voted, and that moment, skyrecruit did /banvote no. Fyi, voting no removes 4 votes, not voting removes 0.25 vote. So, he voted no, and the result was unexpected, Agent got tempbanned!
    A group of hackers can defend itself very easily, especially when there isn’t much peeps on the server. If they’re just 3 and that there are 9 players on the server, they’ll be safe even if everyone does /banvote yes, which won’t happen -will show why after (the one who launched a banvote cannot vote).

    Second test:
    We randomly wanted to test the thing, me and Chillz. (we were 30 on the server) So he started the banvote, and someone just randomly did /banvote yes.
    Even if not everybody will do /banvote yes on a random banvote, one single vote changes the whole thing.

    More reasons why you should remove banvote..
    – Players don’t know about it, and don’t use it.
    – When a player starts a banvote on someone, either if this “someone” is a hacker or not:
    a. Some players don’t care and don’t vote, they’re playing something else after all, so if it was a real hacker, he gets lucky.
    b. Some just do /banvote yes for lols.
    c. Some just do /banvote no for lols. 😉
    – Banvote is only in MG1, tho you can’t hack there at all, Gra aka AidanNye tested some hacks, they didn’t work (agent told me).
    – What’s stated in the conclusions.

    Also, I wanted to say something: Halo isn’t like Minecraft.. You can’t compare a 30-50$ and rated -15 (age) action game to a.. game made for anyone! EC is a cracked server, so you don’t even have to pay a single $ to play, therefore the community is slightly younger than the one on Halo. Got that?

    I fear inconclusive reports stay inconclusive.. It’s really hard to have 100% confidence on everybody who is on, + all this for a 5 mins tempban? 😛

    Tbh… He didn’t, as you said, took our thoughts into consideration before adding it. If he had did, we wouldn’t be talking about this here. (Btw, it surprised me that born adds something without asking on the forums first 😮 normally, that’s what he does)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

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