Advertise ban appeal


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal Advertise ban appeal

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Nhu 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #27888 Score: 0


    Hello sir/ma i would like to ask you if you can please unban I am deeply sorry for my act and that act was advertising.I a sorry that I advertise and it was a mistake I meant to send the server ip to skype for my friend his name is Ardit game name Granny_Groper so i am asking please could unban me please i just want to any joy your server its really awesome and great.

    #27906 Score: 0


    These people wont unban anyone once they get perm banned. I know because i was perm banned from the server but i still stay on the forums. No matter what u say and how much you beg, they dont care. They wont unban you. I would LOVE TO GET UNBANNED TOO but they just wont do it. :(

    #27910 Score: 0


    Epicman if its his first strike then he will be unbanned, however if its his second then he will be banned. I don’t get what your doing here still though Epicman.

    #27915 Score: 0



    #27933 Score: 0


    I can tell that epicman still is rather caring for the EC members. After being perm banned for so long, he’s still on the forums. XD
    Anyways, the mods should have warned you about advertising. It is also stated on the rules board.
    If you are trying to unban yourself just because you want to advertise some more then I guess you should stay banned.
    If you want to play the game legit here, then talk to some of the head mods to unban you from EC but never advertise again.

    #27947 Score: 0


    But its my first strike really it was not for EC cause it was for skype i can call my friend and tell him t come say something about this

    #27950 Score: 0

    3 pts

    You should only have been banned for advertising is when you join the server, and on that same day, you spam advertisement 😮

    #27952 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    You are unbanned.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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