After a long break… Prison suggestions!


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #114842 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Alright, the main suggestion for this topic more ways to acquire tags! I’m referring to the /tags GUI, where you could select a tag if you have permission for it.

    Suggestion A) If you collect enough bounties in a row, you’ll earn the tag “BountyHunter” I’d personally say it should be 20-30, since tags should be hard to earn. Obviously, if you use alts for this, the penalty will be that for every offense, the price doubles. So first offense, it’d be 40-60 bounties, second would be 80-120, so on and so forth.

    Suggestion B) If you fish enough fishes in a row, you’ll get the tag “Fisherman.” In my opinion, it should be 50-60 fish, because fish are hard to catch, even on an autofisher, which is impossible to make in prison. I don’t think you could bypass with this, so I won’t suggest penalties for it.

    Suggestion C) If you build enough blocks, you could get the tag “Builder.” However, this will have to be extremely difficult to get, because placing blocks and breaking them is easy. I would recomend 10 million to 12 million blocks placed. If you found a way to abuse it, the amount would just go straight up to 10 million blocks, and 10 million more per offense. Period. No doubling of prices, just up to 10 million more.

    Suggestion D) If you repair enough items in an anvil, you’ll get the “Blacksmith” tag. I would suggest that you would need to repair 1,000 to 5,000 items for this tag. The items don’t have to be almost broken or almost new, they can be any durability. I don’t think you could abuse this, so I’ll move on to the 5th and final tag suggestion.

    Suggestion E) If you pickpocket enough people, you’ll get the tag “Pro Thief.” I would suggest you need to pickpocket 2,000 to 5,000 people. This is probably the most abusable one, so here is the punishment: If you abuse with alts or any other thing that’s abusing, the amount of pickpockets needed automatically goes up 5 times the normal amount.

    If you abused enough for any of these to get the achievment, and were not caught, you would lose the tag and the penalty for abusing would be inflicted.

    Peace out bruhs, I’ll try to get a steady flow of suggestions going now :)

    #114845 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Now I can be Zoro :)

    #114849 Score: 0

    -5 pt

    Suggestion E is impossible without using yur alts xD 2000-5000 is too much

    #114851 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Hmm, lower to 500-1000 then? These are intended to be hard to get.

    #114852 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Fishing 60 items is relatively easy, not saying that because I spend a lot of time fishing either.
    Builder doesn’t seem worth it; 10m just for a tag… Nah.
    Other than that, eh.

    #114854 Score: 0

    1 pt

    See, Canadians aren’t the only people who say eh 😛

    #114856 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Thanks for the suggestion :)

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