Again banned without reason


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Again banned without reason

This topic contains 18 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Mitsaras_GR1 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #70484 Score: 0


    In-game name:Mitsaras_GR
    Why you have been banned:I have banned because Xavier3479 thinks that im an old play freakgamermc..
    Where you are banned:Survival (Again)
    Who banned you:Xavier3479 gave an idea to ban me..
    Why you should be unbanned: I should get unbanned because i started before 10 days and i took banned for xray first…And i got unban before 5 days by Bongo.. And today Xavier3479 gave an idea to ban me for bypassing and after that the idea that im an old player with the name freakgamermc …Guys i started playing in this server because my friend told me that we will play together and we will have fun ..

    #70490 Score: 0


    Everything will be figured out. Please wait patiently for a higher rank.

    #70494 Score: 0


    You were banned for hacking donor still, not X-ray. Freakgamer is linked to your ip. Do you want to explain?

    #70512 Score: 0


    I don’t have to explain anything because i don’t know who is this guy and the reason for my ban

    #70513 Score: 0


    Well…then you are going to stay banned. You have logged on with 1 ip to the server and that is the same ip that the hacker used. Unless you want to stay banned, you better start talking.

    #70518 Score: 0


    Everything is better with the truth. Say what actually happened and everything will hopefully get better.


    #70528 Score: 0


    Okay, i don’t know how i have the same ip with him.Im not this guy but im playing mc and other online games from a NetCoffe its called (Inspot) in Greece.I don’t know if im helping you with it.

    #70530 Score: 0

    I’m sure Born would ask you to take a picture of the cafe. Doing so would greatly increase your chances of being unbanned.

    #70537 Score: 0


    😛 Is 20.000 metres away from my village :/ Its called Inspot you can google it and find it .. I will be online again at the afternoon cya.

    #70560 Score: 0


    Will i get unbanned? Just let me know. You banned me without reason and you are not doing anything . Banned or Unbanned i did nothing. If i stay banned is your problem because you are losing people for the server CLEAR PEOPLE. Im waiting for an anwswer Soon !

    #70562 Score: 0


    1. You are lying, you have only connected with 1 ip. Unless you have never played at home, you have never played at an internet cafe.
    2. We don’t care if we lose members if they are bad members and/or hackers.

    #70563 Score: 0


    LOL? Im not hacking … i don’t know why i have the same IP with this guy but im telling you the truth im playing in your server for abour 10 days.I don’t know why i have the same IP with him but im not lying.

    #70564 Score: 0


    I have no reason to lie you. I started in your server to have fun and not hacking as you are saying.Im telling you the truth and nothing alse but i don’t understand something.Why a banned hacker start playing again in the same server with the same ip? Can you refresh this for me? I told you over and over again that im not this guy i started playing MC multiplayer before 10days and you are telling my that im lying… Please .. can you believe me? I can’t do anything alse to tell you that im clear.

    #70615 Score: 0


    If i take a Photo from the CoffeeNet (Inspot) I will be fine??

    #70618 Score: 0


    Be patient, you only have 1 ip linked which makes it unlikely you guys shared an internet cafe. Be patient while the mod team reaches a decision.

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