Alchamy Items in dshop


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  doom_w0lf 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #15940 Score: 0


    So in warp dshop i think there should be stuff like blazerod/blazepoweder and other stuff for making potions. Because some of the stuff is hard 2 get and like all blaze spawners r DESTROYED! So what can u do about the borncorp or head mods?

    #15941 Score: 0


    The prices are being worked out, we may have these soon.

    #15981 Score: 0

    14 pts

    um… If u look carefully, there are STILL some spanwers in teh end. Nethrim have told me one and u can go ask him. I still suggest about the Shop addiing those items for donator and also UPDATING the shops as well.


    #15993 Score: 0


    hes right. i just killed some blazes at a fortress.

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