all prison mods and member see this please unmute me pls


Home Forums Prison Punishment Appeal all prison mods and member see this please unmute me pls

This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
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  • #106847 Score: 0


    Ok look i was told to make this appeal by sunnybro and laloosh28
    so here it is
    in game name jerome43926
    who muted u FuriousKnight
    when where u muted i dunno
    why where u muted i sead Toof 3 times i think thats why
    why should u be unmuted well i think i should be unmuted because well iv changed and i wish i could be unmuted i learnt that i shouldnt spam or disrespect i am sorry and i promise i wouldnt do this again thank u all
    if i get unmuted il Behave more then i am right now thanks

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  jerome43926.
    #106848 Score: 0


    Oh and btw my username is jerome43926

    #106851 Score: 0


    Vote Middle
    I think you deserve to be unmuted, The only fact that I vote middle is that you still spam msg sometimes

    Positives: Has Improved
    -No Inapp behavior
    – Kewl
    -Spam Sometimes
    -Can force some people

    I wish you luck friend!

    #106852 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ Agree

    #106854 Score: 0

    1 pt

    From what day you can vote on ban appeals and mute appeals etc…

    #106855 Score: 0


    @igra2002 You can always vote as i know 😀

    Btw about the appeal

    I will say that if this is his first time he should be unmuted he seems nice and he says that he learnt the lesson we cant be sure if he really did but the time will tell for now you have my vote up 😀

    Good Luck 😀

    #106861 Score: 0


    I have learnt my lesson you lern from your mistacks 😇😘

    #106888 Score: 0

    1 pt

    -spammed forums (3rd time)
    -spamming in chat
    -raging sometimes
    it is up to dark to decide and in all seriousness there is no “appeal” for getting unmuted jerome so dont try it…
    dark already said its a perm mute get over it jerome stop begging as it will lower your chances, lastly as i said before this is the third time you made a topic asking yourself to be unmuted. You will end up getting blocked jerome so i suggest you to stop before you really get blocked.

    #106931 Score: 0

    -lets not forget , punishments are to change people’s behave,
    and in my opinion , mutes doesnt need to be permanet IF they Learned from their mistakes .

    #106940 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ Leaning more to that

    Ender, please be respectful, and you don’t exactly have the right to decide if he gets blocked, only Keymasters have the authority to say such things.

    #106941 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Sorry. Lemme rephrase

    Im not trying to be keymaster or snything and i also have no rights but i am just telling him, so if you thought that i was being mod sorry

    #106943 Score: 0

    20 pts

    It’s fine, you just got the wrong point across on accident.

    #110028 Score: 0

    2 pts

    This is your second chance. Any more reports about you spamming/disrespecting, we will not take it easy. So make sure to behave.

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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