Allowed/Denied Minecraft Modifications


Home Forums Global General Discussion Allowed/Denied Minecraft Modifications

This topic contains 15 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  gorbit99 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #109283 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Since many have stated that they didnt know that a mod was banned/not allowed, here is a list to clear up confusion. This list applies to all EC servers!

    You can ask here if the mod you are using is not in the list, and you are not sure if it is allowed or not.

    Credits By: Trollson

    #109292 Score: 0
    This reply has been marked as private.
    #109311 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Who is clockspeed :0

    #109313 Score: 0

    41 pts

    ClockSpeed = Furious/DarkKnightz17

    #110767 Score: 0


    I got banned from the prison server and I don’t completely know why, is there a possibility that I can be unbanned?

    #110769 Score: 0

    20 pts
    #111291 Score: 0


    I have a question How am I supposed to install Shaders mod when i have a Intel Pentium computer? I have tried many times and I have gone through many hard things. Please help me.

    #111297 Score: 0

    41 pts

    You don’t really need Shaders, and it’s mainly for better computers.
    If you look it up on Google or YouTube, you’ll likely find a tutorial on how to get Shaders packs working.

    #114833 Score: 0


    not alowed mini map why
    and how about treecapitator

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by  arem12345.
    #114844 Score: 0


    Well mini map is self explanatory
    For treecapitator, you will have a obvious advantage in cutting trees. Dunno though if this works in prison for the wood mine xD

    #114873 Score: 0


    if it does youll be making dough

    #115066 Score: 0


    Minimap could be like for example you were searching for a witch and you look on the map and find a Witch i could do that Legit in about 2-5 mins if it was dark (this is a reason why its probaly not allowed)

    #122891 Score: 0

    Allowed Client Mods on EC
    Remember, If the client provides an unfair advantage over a vanilla client, then the mod is not allowed. If you feel that a mod you are using is not allowed, play it safe and do not use it.

    Allowed Mods:
    Shaders Mod
    Texture Packs
    Any Mod that is only cosmetic and changes they way the game looks. (Eg. Making trees look different or changing the layout of your HUD)

    Unallowed Mods:
    This list includes a few mods that are not allowed. They are, but not limited to:
    Hack Clients such as Huzuni, Nodus, Wurst, Promethus, (and more)
    Xray mods, and Xray Texture Packs
    Damage Indicators
    Rei’s Minimap or any Minimap mod
    Too many items mod
    Kill aura
    No Fall
    Fly Hacks

    ps: reprint for the guys who cant access to the google

    #122893 Score: 0

    2 pts

    U didn’t talk about alluwant? And TMI is using /give command, it won’t work

    #122897 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Just on a side note, we can’t possibly list *all* of the allowed or disallowed mods of Minecraft. There are just way too many to list. Just use your logic and common sense to decide which one offers an advantage on vanilla minecraft and which don’t.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

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