Alright, Actual Giveaway


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This topic contains 170 replies, has 57 voices, and was last updated by  Beijimon 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #109090 Score: 0


    Like I said the giveaway will be confirmed. Here are the details.

    There will be 21 prizes. They are as follows:

    1st Prize: $10 Million In-Game-Money

    2nd Prize: 40 L Crates

    3rd Prize: 30 Event Crates

    4th Prize: 300 Emerald Blocks

    5th-6th Prize: $3 Million In-Game-Money

    7th Prize: 600 Diamond Blocks

    8th-10th Prize: 20 L Crates

    11th-14th Prize: 20 Event Crates

    15th Prize: 200 Diamond Blocks

    16th-17th Prize: $1 Million In-Game-Money

    18th-19th Prize: 16 L Crates

    20th-21th Prize: 16 Event Crates

    Entries will not be accepted after Monday 15th June 2015, 10.00.00pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)

    Draw Date will be on Wednesday 17th June 2015, 11.00.00am (Singapore Time, UTC+8)

    Here is how you play the game (Basically just choose a number and hope to win, but there is a twist)

    You choose 7 numbers from 0-999 (a large range is fun). If your number is drawn, you win the prize, simple :)

    However, there is a twist to this giveaway:

    If 2 people win the same prize (by choosing the same number – I smell sabotage), each player will get only 70% of the actual prize.

    If 3 people win the same prize, each player will get only 50% of the actual prize.

    If 4 people win the same prize, each player will get only 40% of the actual prize.

    If 5 people win the same prize, each player will get only 30% of the actual prize.

    If 6 people win the same prize, each player will get only 20% of the actual prize.

    If 7 people win the same prize, each player will get only 15% of the actual prize.

    If 8 or more people select the same number, this number is disqualified and you lose a chance. So cooperate and either help or sabotage all other players :).

    This is the format you need to follow:

    In-Game Name:

    Date and Time of Joining (Include Exact Time Zone – And DST if you have):

    Why you want to join (50 words):

    Your Choice of Numbers (7 Numbers):

    Alright, All entries in the previous giveaway topic will be accepted. Those who has posted in the other topic (List is down below) will have one chance to change his/her numbers.

    This is the List:

    (Version 3, Re-Updated) Numbers so far:

    Timothy: 001 143 431 500 666 777 998

    Breezayy: 47, 69, 825, 400, 127, 235, 750

    88green1: 88 , 99 , 111 , 222 ,333 ,884 ,500

    ethanowens: 879,137, 454, 954, 213, 479,569

    AnderZENZ: 345, 863, 243, 059, 063, 967, 237

    _jjpirate_: 123, 456, 789, 101, 563, 790, 528

    v2_jester: 37 77 694 711 911 321 330

    HuskyTorchic: 08 69 888 94 97 515 49

    Yaseen20: 234 068 258 580 900 478 881

    DiamondPro1: 3 1 8 5 9 4 6

    SnIpErIo: 10 3 8 19 30 40 50

    BAD75: 102 293 384 576 019 827 635

    wyverndragon: 125,225,50,500,625,777,360

    Matelo: 017 525 622 201 015 156 562

    maxminoS: 000, 111, 213, 313, 045, 666, 067

    Tavon1924: 192, 219, 319, 419, 519, 619, 719

    Jynnxed: 427 669 051 578 887 654 146

    AliThePro: 52 78 95 102 945 802 500

    So enjoy, have fun, and stay tuned for the results! :)

    #109092 Score: 0

    op ;O , well , gg , oppest giveaway I’ve ever seen

    #109093 Score: 0


    Winners will be stated in this topic as well, here is the proposed format:

    Winner of 21st Prize: <Name>, <Number>, <Comments>


    Winner of 1st Prie: ^^^ (Ditto)

    #109095 Score: 0


    (I asked melee49 and he told me to repost this)

    In-Game Name: Yaseen20

    Date and Time of Joining (Include Exact Time Zone – And DST if you have): 6/2/2015 +8 GMT

    Why you want to join (50 words): I want to join for fun and I want to say good luck to all of the members who are joining and who joined. Is this 50 words alrady? I don’t wanna count.. Nope not close to 50 words, why you gotta make this.. I don’t like writing long words and sentences. Once again, good luck to all of the members who joined. This has past 50 words! 😀

    Your Choice of Numbers (7 Numbers): 234 068 258 580 900 478 881

    Expected End Date: Late June.

    #109096 Score: 0


    I chous 11 455 799 101 21 69 and 991 and ofc i mean 69 not the rude thing

    #109100 Score: 0


    IGN : BeastADragon

    Date and Time of joining : 8:42PM GMT 7 (I hope I’m correct)

    Why you want to join : Hi melee. (Total words : Five). Hi melee. (Total words : Five). Hi melee. (Total words : Five). Hi melee. (Total words : Five). Hi melee. (Total words : Five). Hi melee. (Total words : Five). Hi melee. (Total words : Five). Hi melee. (Total words : Five). Hi melee. (Total words : Five). Hi melee. (Total words : Five).

    Numbers : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 69 :)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Beast.
    #109113 Score: 0


    In-Game Name: GrassFae

    Date and Time of Joining: SGT 10.22pm GMT+8

    Why you want to join: I’m cooler than 50 words and that cannot possibly describe someones motive to attend a giveaway that is super stacked in my opinion.

    Your Choice of Numbers (7 Numbers): 13 25 48 891 574 345 208

    #109129 Score: 0


    Ign: Own7ge

    Joining: 6/2/15 8:22pm (Gmt+3 I forgot something like that.) Either negative or positive.

    Why: I just want the money to do a more Op giveaway :p. It might help me rankup players that are low in rank as well, and thanks for hosting this, it looks nice. If those are not 50 words then count again. If those are still not 50 words then the count again. If still not then the last time’s a charm.

    Number: 777, 77, 7, (Cristiano Ronaldo) 14,144, (Xabi Alonso) Last Number: 524, 925. (Random)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Own7ge.
    #109132 Score: 0

    wait , we have to rewrite everythin again ?

    #109136 Score: 0


    In-Game Name: Breezayy

    Date and Time of Joining (Include Exact Time Zone – And DST if you have):June 1, 2015 GMT -6
    Why you want to join (50 words):I want to join because this is for a good cause. It gives the less fortunate players a chance to win something. Even though I am FREE+ I am very broke right now and in need of a small donation. Thank you for setting this giveaway up, Melee. Good luck to everybody.

    Your Choice of Numbers (7 Numbers): 47, 69, 825, 400, 127, 235, 750

    #109137 Score: 0


    Off topic

    Number: 777

    #109153 Score: 0

    1 pt

    3:59 EST
    I want to win because I like winning
    My choice of numbers is: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

    #109154 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Own, Alonso isn’t even in RM anymore

    #109158 Score: 0


    Alonso is one of my favorite players. OFC I know he’s not in real Madrid XD.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Own7ge.
    #109177 Score: 0


    In-Game Name: PeterPlaysMC

    Date and Time of Joining (Include Exact Time Zone – And DST if you have): Tuesday, June 2, 2015 GMT-5 Central Daylight Time. 7:39 PM

    Why you want to join (50 words): I would like to join because I mean, who does not want to join a raffle, everyone wants prizes. Any prize would be greatly appreciated <3.
    Thanks melee for hosting this amazing giveaway, it will help people a lot. Good luck to everyone, cheers melee. Good luck on your future exams!

    Your Choice of Numbers (7 Numbers): 645 964 192 207 324 485 007

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