Alright, Actual Giveaway


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This topic contains 170 replies, has 57 voices, and was last updated by  Beijimon 9 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 171 total)
  • Author
  • #110849 Score: 0

    13 pts


    Date and Time of JOINING (Include Exact Time Zone – And DST if you have): 15th June 2015, 3PM

    Why you want to join: Like Mr.Krabs. MONEY!!

    Your CHOICE of Numbers:

    3 Numbers for 5th to 11th Prizes (100-399): 262 , 106 , 111

    5 Numbers for 1st to 4th Prizes (600-999): 600, 767 , 951 , 849 , 902

    #110850 Score: 0


    In Game Name- KVMS
    Reason?- Played here long tima agp and I wanna give this a shot.
    Timezone- AST (Arabia Standard Time)UTC/GMT +3 hours
    3 numbers for 5th to 11th prize – 101, 264, 386
    5 numbers for 1st to 4th prize- 656,727, 845,921. 962.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by  kvms.
    #110854 Score: 0

    1 pt

    In-game name: TheHighOreo
    Reason of joining: Wait do I have to be serious about this? Cause I just wanna join because I want items and money and stuff. ._.
    Date of Joining: 6/15/2015 (DD / MM / YYYY)
    Timezone: (UST + 03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh
    1st to 4th: 659, 785, 823, 944, and 831
    5th to 11th: 234, 169, and 346
    Note: Are we allowed to use numbers for both groups? If not please take my 1st to 4th numbers only.

    #110861 Score: 0


    IGN : BeastADragon

    Date and time of joining (Include exact TimeZone – And DST if you have): GST 7 (I might be wrong)

    Why you want to join : Cause I wanna make you bankrupt

    3 Numbers for 5th to 11th Prizes (100-399): 69, 96 and 666

    5 Numbers for 1st to 4th Prizes (600-999): 345, 543, 234, 324 and 238

    #110862 Score: 0


    In-Game Name: GrassFae

    Date and Time of Joining (Include Exact Time Zone – And DST if you have): (GMT +9, Japan Time, 6.26pm. GMT +8, Singapore Time, 5.26pm)

    Why you want to join: im cool

    Your Choice of Numbers:

    3 Numbers for 5th to 11th Prizes (100-399): 162, 398, 252

    5 Numbers for 1st to 4th Prizes (600-999): 626, 848, 652, 781, 909

    thanks!! <3

    #110873 Score: 0


    In-Game Name: Siverbullet

    Date and Time of Joining (Monday, 15 June 2015 (GMT+1)):

    Why you want to join:I want the damn money i lost it all to trapped chests ffs

    Your Choice of Numbers:

    3 Numbers for 5th to 11th Prizes (100-399):169 370 250

    5 Numbers for 1st to 4th Prizes (600-999):670 890 940

    #110876 Score: 0


    15 June 2015 6pm
    I want to win something, at least…
    First 3 numbers : 207 257 277
    Last 5 numbers : 607 757 776 797 807

    #110878 Score: 0


    Monday in the evening. Sun was around 123456 degrees to the south.

    I want to ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 you. I also have an army:
    ███۞███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃

    Gimme munny or my doge who is controlling this tiny rc tank will bite chu. I also have minions.


    I think thats enough.

    First 3:
    100, 101, 102

    Last 5:
    600, 601, 602, 603, 604.

    May the best lenny win (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    #110879 Score: 0

    2 pts

    GN : TheGroarkes

    Date & Time of Joining : June 5, 2015 +8GMT

    Why i wanna join : I joined because i would like to win prizes to help me in ranking up and i would like to get some good stuff if i win some crates :v

    3 Numbers for 5th to 11th Prizes (100-399): 120, 293, 368

    5 Numbers for 1st to 4th Prizes (600-999): 693, 795, 840, 699, 969

    #110880 Score: 0


    In-Game Name : BAD75

    Date and Time of Joining : June 15 2015, 6:36PM GMT+7 (7:36PM In Your Time)

    Why you want to join : I WANNA RANKUP!

    Your Choice of Numbers :

    3 Numbers for 5th to 11th Prizes (100-399) : 231, 109, 310

    5 Numbers for 1st to 4th Prizes (600-999) : 796, 678, 879, 697, 789, 967

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by  BAD75.
    #110919 Score: 0


    Date and time on joining:June 15 2015,9:37PM,Same timezone as you,Melee
    Why I want to join:The journey to Freedom
    Your choice of numbers:
    3 numbers for 5th to 11th prize:130,301,398
    5 numbers for 1st to 4th prize:998,774,648

    #110933 Score: 0


    In Game Name: ShadowGod_

    Date and Time of Joining (Include Exact Time Zone and if you have DST): June 15th 2015; UTC-7: 7am

    Why you want to Join: The reason everyone is here.The rewards.

    Your number of choice of numbers:

    3 numbers for 5th to 11th prizes (100-399): 104,244,388

    5 numbers for 1st to 4th prizes 600-999:634,764,834,914

    #110982 Score: 0

    -5 pt

    In-Game Name: Mr_Tito361

    Date and Time of Joining (Include Exact Time Zone – And DST if you have): 6/15/15, 7:58 PM

    Why you want to join: Cuz Money

    3 Numbers for 5th to 11th Prizes: (100-399): 259 396 298

    5 Numbers for 1st to 4th Prizes: (600-999): 746 610 853 987 715

    #110984 Score: 0

    1 pt

    This is the format you need to follow:

    In-Game Name:Ender243

    Date and Time of Joining (Include Exact Time Zone – And DST if you have):Tuesday 16th June 8:17am (your time melee)

    Why you want to join:Need a boost for my own giveaway

    Your Choice of Numbers:

    3 Numbers for 5th to 11th Prizes (100-399):200, 123, 122

    5 Numbers for 1st to 4th Prizes (600-999):999,876,690

    #111001 Score: 0


    Name – maxwellx
    Time – 1pm 16 june asia time
    I want to join cause I wanna win again, 10mil is not enough I WANT MORE!!!!! XD
    My 3 numbers – 222 270 307
    My other 5 numbets – 667 727 778 888 987
    Uhh btw Ender ur 5 numbers section, u only pick 3 instead lolz!

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 171 total)

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