Alright, Grocery List Time
This topic contains 17 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Artoriel 9 years, 9 months ago.
AnonymousRead This Report Very Carefully, This Report Took Me 3 Hours to Craft -.-
Universal Information:
Your In-Game Name: melee49
Game/Server: All are in Prison
(All timings are in 24-hour-clock) (All reports are arranged in chronological order)
Report No. 1:
Who breaks the rule: jsabah
Date and Time of offense: 21-May-2015 17.57.04pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Spamming (Later screenshots proves that he advertised)
More Details about his/her offense: (This is just a subset of the main report)
Report No. 2:
Who breaks the rule: jsabah
Date and Time of offense: 21-May-2015 17.59.48pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Advertising (And Insulting the server)
More Details about his/her offense: (This is the main report, and say hi to jttt3 also)
Report No. 3:
Who breaks the rule: jsabah
Date and Time of offense: 21-May-2015 18.01.02pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Insult Spamming (On server)
More Details about his/her offense: (This is another Sub-Report, and say hi to jttt3 also)
Report No. 4: (This one is dumb)
Who breaks the rule: UlasAdem/Clockspeed
Date and Time of offense: 23-May-2015 22.15.41pm (Singapore Time UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: (This one is dumb, Why is Clockspeed stalking me?)
More Details about his/her offense: (Thanks Clockspeed, but you failed, the ‘/mail read’ broke your trolls)
Report No. 5: (Another Dumb one)
Who breaks the rule: Yaseen20/Clockspeed
Date and Time of offense: 23-May-2015 23.56.17pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: (This one is dumb also, Why is Clockspeed always stalking me -.-?)
More Details about his/her offense: (Thanks Clockspeed, but the ‘/mail read’ broke your trolls again)
Report No. 6:
Who breaks the rule: jaek001 (Jake001’s alt)
Date and Time of offense: 24-May-2015 11.53.07am (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Ban Evasion (NOT Eversion -.-)
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
Report No. 7: (Another Dumb one -.- -.- -.-)
Who breaks the rule: Ender243
Date and Time of offense: 24-May-2015 13.56.07pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Possessed
More Details about his/her offense: (Nice Troll, but you cant ship people)
Report No. 8:
Who breaks the rule: phantomstricker
Date and Time of offense: 24-May-2015 15.23.39pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Advertising
More Details about his/her offense: (I don’t think own7ge did anything, and Yaseen20, Sydhead cant ban -.-)
Report No. 9: (I believe this one has already been dealt with)
Who breaks the rule: BAD75
Date and Time of offense: 24-May-2015 20.27.03pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Usage of Banned Modifications
More Details about his/her offense: (I believe this has already been dealt with)
Report No. 10:
Who breaks the rule: NoobDoesMC
Date and Time of offense: 25-May-2015 13.48.29pm (Singapore Time)
Reason of reporting: Advertising
More Details about his/her offense: (And yes my air-conditioner got possessed and broke down -.-)
Report No. 11:
Who breaks the rule: GODzproz
Date and Time of offense: 25-May-2015 18.08.24pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Threatening to Hack
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
Report No. 12:
Who breaks the rule: BAD75
Date and Time of offense: 26-May-2015 20.10.03pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Usage of Banned Modifications
More Details about his/her offense: (I believe this has already been reported)
Report No. 13:
Who breaks the rule: malchiahyasol
Date and Time of offense: 27-May-2015 17.54.25pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Character Spamming
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
Report No. 14:
Who breaks the rule: fireplay
Date and Time of offense: 27-May-2015 20.25.38pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Threatening to hack
More Details about his/her offense: (This is another chain of reports, lets call this the threat chain, Own7ge was present at that time, and only noticed this at the 3rd attempt, later reports – Especially Report No. 17 – shows this. Own7ge summoned him a warn and that the next is a 24-hour temp ban)
Report No. 15:
Who breaks the rule: fireplay
Date and Time of offense: 27-May-2015 20.34.05pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Usage of Banned Modifications (This was found to be a troll)
More Details about his/her offense: (This is part of the threat chain, explanation is in Report No. 14)
Report No. 16: (Lets kill 2 birds with one stone, shall we?)
Who breaks the rule: fireplay + VictoriaSh
Date and Time of offense: 27-May-2015 20.39.09pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting:
fireplay – (Part of the Threat Chain)
VictoriaSh – Character Spamming
More Details about his/her offense: (Fireplay – Explaination found in Report No. 14)
Report No. 17: (More ‘Kill 2 birds with 1 stone’)
Who breaks the rule: fireplay + VictoriaSh
Date and Time of offense: 27-May-2015 20.40.13pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting:
VictoriaSh – this is the same as Report No. 16 (Overlap of Screenshots)
fireplay – (Part of the Threat Chain)
More Details about his/her offense: (Alright, here it is. From the screenshot, you can see that own7ge is online. It is recommended to speak to own about the details, unless you are own7ge yourself -.-)
Report No. 18: (This one is dumb and she – I believe this player is a female – just got herself into free trouble)
Who breaks the rule: GamingWithJen
Date and Time of offense: 28-May-2015 14.16.50pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Spamming (A dumb question of course)
More Details about his/her offense: -.- -.- -.-
Report No. 19: (Again another ‘Kill 2 birds with 1 stone’)
Who breaks the rule: abubakir + Iwanchan1c
Date and Time of offense: 28-May-2015 14.55.44pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Indian Numbers Spam
More Details about his/her offense: (In case you do not know, the Indians invented our current 10 digits in 600 BC – only 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -, and 0 in 600 AD, also considering that Zero (NOT the Moderator) did not exist before then)
Report No. 20: (Simliar to Report No. 19)
Who breaks the rule: Kervin + v2_Jester
Date and Time of offense: 28-May-2015 15.38.19pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: More Indian Numbers Spamming
More Details about his/her offense: (Read Report No. 19 if you do know know what are Indian Numbers, sometimes called Arabic Numbers)
Report No. 21:
Who breaks the rule: BayTurkBeyTRT
Date and Time of offense: 28-May-2015 16.04.27pm
Reason of reporting: Character Spamming
More Details about his/her offense: (I believe own has muted this guy already)
Report No. 22: (This one caught me by surprise, and we need some relaxation after quite a long list of reports. Lets have a troll report in the middle of a long real report. Let me have your opinion on this – This seemed impossible at first glance -.-? You may not need to take this seriously, this is just a troll.)
Who breaks the rule: Minecraft
Date and Time of offense: 28-May-2015 21.04.48pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Minecraft (And Eternal Craft Server) do not like me
More Details about Its offense: (Alright to be honest, I do not know how this even happened. I believe I spammed the F2 key – The Screenshot Key – while the server is lagging at that time, resulting in this once-in-a-lifetime screenshot)
Report No. 23: (Alright back to actual business)
Who breaks the rule: Athensguy
Date and Time of offense: 28-May-2015 22.49.15pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Swearing
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
Report No. 24:
Who breaks the rule: Athensguy
Date and Time of offense: 28-May-2015 23.08.28pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Swearing (in ‘another’ Language)
More Details about his/her offense: (By the way, congratulations for getting kicked by spamguard!)
Report No. 25:
Who breaks the rule: kathleen
Date and Time of offense: 29-May-2015 15.14.58pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Spam
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
Report No. 26:
Who breaks the rule: malchiahyasol
Date and Time of offense: 29-May-2015 15.42.44pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Character Spam
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
Report No. 27:
Who breaks the rule: malchiahyasol
Date and Time of offense: 29-May-2015 16.23.42pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Another Character Spam -.-
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
Report No. 28:
Who breaks the rule: diamondcathat
Date and Time of offense: 29-May-2015 18.21.30pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Swearing
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
Report No. 29:
Who breaks the rule: kathleen
Date and Time of offense: 29-May-2015 21.03.06pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Another Character Spam again -.-
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
Report No. 30:
Who breaks the rule: diamondcathat
Date and Time of offense: 29-May-2015 21.22.13pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Yet another Character Spam again -.-
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
Report No. 31:
Who breaks the rule: diamondcathat
Date and Time of offense: 29-May-2015 22.25.53pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Swearing
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
Report No. 32:
Who breaks the rule: JaytheProGamer
Date and Time of offense: 29-May-2015 23.28.39pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Another Indian Numbers spam
More Details about his/her offense: (He does not know that the largest number Minecraft can handle is a Mersenne Prime, 2^31-1 = 2,147,483,647)
Report No. 33:
Who breaks the rule: BajanStar123
Date and Time of offense: 30-May-2015 12.24.14pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Character Spamming
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
Report No. 34:
Who breaks the rule: zGhosTlyHD
Date and Time of offense: 30-May-2015 13.11.56pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Swearing
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
AnonymousAlright mods, can I request you to reply in this format (to make it more orderly)?
Report No. (Serial Number):
Action taken: (Action Taken)
Other Comments: (Comments)
Thank You.
Melee the hell ;-;
AnonymousYes ZeBlitzKiller?
All I am doing is to report, nothing else -.-
Melee its best to post reports as you get them. Otherwise, you give moderators heck loads of trouble. As for you “Timed out” screenshot, it is caused by bad internet and lots of packets. When your internet cant handle those packets, you get kicked because your connection takes too long to deal with them and thus times out.
Actually isn’t it better for the mods to read instead of having like 10 different threads for 10 different reports? They can kinda clear them all at once and read all of it. Of course, 20th may kinda seems like he saved it for quite a while. For those recent once like 27th onwards seems like having them all at once
AnonymousTako, you know that I have been getting imprisoned in school a lot recently (Mother Tongue Intensive, although I don’t take Chinese), so I am forced to save those for a while
AnonymousChillz, as for Report No. 22, The Minecraft Troll, it is not Bad Internet or too many packets, the server lagged out (it dropped to 18.17 TPS…). My Internet is Perfect, and my fps is a consistent 60, it never lags at all…
Report No. 33:
Who breaks the rule: BajanStar123
Date and Time of offense: 30-May-2015 12.24.14pm (Singapore Time, UTC+8)
Reason of reporting: Character Spamming
More Details about his/her offense: Nil
jjPirate was on..
As for the a few I was on as well, and I take care of it with them on /msg sometimes.
As for the other things people have been warned on /mail since they are not online. A few got banned.
Thank You For reporting.
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
Report Number : 1,2,3,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 and 34
Action taken :
-So for the advertisers, dealt with
-For the char spammers and spammers, i mailed them.
-For people who disrespected, i mailed them.Other comments : I tried to finish all, but some of them i can’t finish.
I suggest you to report it immediately to make it easy for us Mod Team.
Thank you for reporting and Have a nice day!Husky
Alright Noted.
Nice Listing of Numbers, 1-3, 6, 8-21, 23-34
Thanks for using my format, easier to understand.
Actions are pretty much alright, noted.
Reply to ‘Other Comments:’
Yeah finishing this report takes a while, I agree with that. Making this report alone sapped my entire Saturday Morning (of 3 hours).
Like I said to tako earlier, I am imprisoned in school :(, which sucks, because I am forced to hold the reports back.
Also, @HuskyTorchic, Own7ge did the rest of the reports where you left off, I believe this report is considered finished.
Thank you mods for taking a lot of time to read this report. It took me a painful 3 hours to do this, which is actually more convenient than making 34 different topics… (Can’t believe it took 2 Expertmods to actually finish such a large report, I was expecting 1 Prison Manager – Clockspeed – to do it within 10 minutes)
my fps is a consistent 60
I like how you complain about having “-1” fps.
Actually isn’t it better for the mods to read instead of having like 10 different threads for 10 different reports?
I mean he should post them as they happen.
AnonymousChillz, I have switched computers, as of 19 May 2015…
So the -1 fps is now history
What’s the use of old reports if some of those old players don’t even play anymore…
AnonymousAs if we can tell who will permanently rage quit…
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
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