

Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal alright..


This topic contains 30 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 31 total)
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  • #93020 Score: 0

    14 pts

    You bypass ecrevenge.

    #93027 Score: 0


    Who The Flying Munchkin is ecrevenge?
    Like cmon if I knew this guy do I even act like him? Play like him or anything?

    #93029 Score: 0

    Guys , Mubar is not omg ..
    ik omg irl , and how he is bypassing ? , srsly , , mubar is a ‘her’ srsly and omg is ‘he’ huge differnt in ip and act , so , bypassing? Nope i dun think so XD , lets go to kill aura , hmmm kill aura 😮 , i always pvped with omg for fun , , nothing is weird , , and popo might lagged , like me in the old times when i used to pvp ;P , and guys , Lets Give Second Chances , pls dont apart my friendship … , thats all what i got to say , pls unban my friend.;-;

    #93088 Score: 0


    Beep! Can You please hurry in the unban? So Eager. ;-;

    #93376 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Do not rush the mods because they may no even think bout unbanning you all you got to do is beep this topic once a day or so and hope for the best.

    #93417 Score: 0


    Well for now i think unban him/her
    (The next you do , it is ban for real!)
    And don’t put this link on the forums chat.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  Beast.
    #93455 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I dont think omg is ecrevenge…

    #93468 Score: 0


    mubar kill aura is a hack and hacks are very bad so its kind off usleas trying to get unbanned unless you mean it

    #93482 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Explain me your kill aura?

    #93672 Score: 0


    It wasn’t Kill aura @siverbullet was the proof he saw the lag, and he described the lag as “Lag Hopping” I had like 1-2 bars -_-

    #93674 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Can I ask you something real fast.?

    How in the hell can you kill two OP ppl in full pro4 diamond gear! with just your self fighting.?
    Yeah you had a god apple so what but still we both hited you many times! and still didn’t die some how I just call that hacks and even @Ander, has the proof of a old topic that we was pvping..You really hited me and Ander both! at the same time so you can’t say that it’s not hacks because you can’t hit both ppl at the same time without any kinda of hacks.
    If you are so sure that you don’t have hacks then use the mods the proof that they need.

    #93679 Score: 0

    First of all , i think u cant die if U use Drugs my pvp secret is : strength2 marjiuana , E , and A gapple , and ,sive and mubar uses these when we pvp , we be Like Gods , cause , u get haste 3 , speed 4 or 5 , regen 3 and strength 2
    I beated 3 dime armor guys alone 😛

    and btw tavon , hitting 2 ppl in the same time is easy . . . if u guys stands and attack in the smae time , u both will get hitted

    $$88green1$$ *Da Leader OF FuryRivals*
    Peace Out mates !

    #93741 Score: 0


    88green Did we Get Raided? -offtopic-

    #93764 Score: 0

    Yup By Deleterious , Buuuut , i made a new1 ._. soo no worrys XD

    #93774 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Tako has secrets about facs and i want them

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 31 total)

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