#Am I Socially Discriminated?


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This topic contains 55 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #119199 Score: 0

    12 pts

    ” Hi’s ” are not or never will be boring. Saying hi is showing that your nice and friendly to onthers. Yes, your right when you said this server is like a ” School ” You get to know new things and meet new friends and to enjoy yourself.

    People can live their life as a nard or not thats their wish.

    #119200 Score: 0


    @Trevish, Evolution, nice Pokemon reference. Alright, time to rebut everything again.

    Yes, I know we have to evolve some day, but, evolving is not at easy task. (Be warned of Pokemon references) For most evolutions, it takes alot of hours to painstaking gain experience and level up to evolve, however, there are some evolutions that are far more unique and more painstakingly, for Eevee to Espeon, you need 220 happiness out of 255 and gain a level during daytime (timing depends on the game, typically its 10am to 8pm), and to achieve that, you have to run around like a headless chicken for many hours, wait till daytime, and level it up. For Eevee to Umbreon, same thing, but night time (timing depends on the game, typically its 8pm to 10am). For Eevee to Sylveon, it requires a Fairy type move and 2 affection hearts in Pokemon Amie (which takes a few days to actually achieve…), so evolution is not an easy thing to do. It takes months or even years to just evolve…

    Better bold the next paragraph…

    Edit: Ah ha, i almost forgot, the burden of being mentally challenged is that i also have Development Delay, where your body has its development delayed obviously. For me, there is a 2 year delay from 4 years old to 6 years old, this is why this year, i am physically 16, but mentally 14. Blame God, or Buddha or whatever deity you believe in, because i cant help it. Either you deal with it, or you scram, NOW!!!

    Now, remember, you are not Autistic, but i am, you have the ability to socialise, but i do not. If you cant make friends, its clearly your problem, if i cant make friends, it cant be my entire fault. Consider my medical condition before you conclude your report…

    Trust is important, i agree, but, it is not an easy thing for me. If it is already difficult for you, how much more difficult can it get for me? Miracles may happen, but that doesnt mean they can turn things around. In fact, occuring miracles can still fail (Thanks Gen II, 100% AI Status moves can still fail for retarded reasons…)

    Making friends is easy for you, but again, i have the inability to socialise, of course it will be difficult for me.

    What i’m trying to say is,making friends is rather easy but you can’t always adapt with all people.

    Well, that is true, go tell that to everyone here, and ask them to attempt to adapt to me, if it fails, i cant help them.

    I emphasise on exams alot, and everyone has been asking for it, which further increases my emphasis, blame those people asking for it…

    @Tavon, this is a virtual community, it isnt physical to us, thats why i greet differently, again like you said, its a game, so what? In real life, i obviously greet ‘good morning’ or what not, because they are real, physical and not virtual. Make sense first… Most likely i aint be able to meet up with anyone from this community at all…

    They can live their lives not as a nerd, sure, just a warning, you will have a lower life expectancy…

    #119205 Score: 0


    I really wonder if everyone pays attention to my edits… Because they are equally important here

    P.S. I can edit my messages without the edit button 😉

    #119221 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I’m fourteen, yet I’m obviously more mature than you. Don’t bother trying to say that I’m not. I know you will anyway, because you always need to get that last word in, whether you know it will stir up something bad.

    Victini’s Lore states that it always claims victory, but since when is constantly claiming victory a good thing? For one thing, if you claim victory in everysingle scenario and know it, there will be no challenge. I’m afraid that without a challenge, the prize isn’t as meaningful. Knowing that you put that hard work into getting what you desired is the best feeling ever. I’m sorry, but you may be believing that you are almighty, but you’re just a tiny Victini on a team of Six Pokemon who thinks his V-Create will be enough to wipe our your opponent. You think you’re the best, but you really aren’t.

    By the way, I have two friends who are Autistic. Both have been able to control themselves and find a place in society. Never before have I ever seen them use their mental illness as a way to prove a point or get what they want. By doing that, you are just lowering other people’s opinions of you. If they can do it, so can you.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  Bender.
    #119224 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Melee, it’s easy to edit your replies without the edit button, I found out how long ago .-.

    #119225 Score: 0


    Well ander why dont you share it with us so we dont have to spam our topics?

    #119226 Score: 0

    14 pts


    #119229 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Melee, I don’t care about your autism. You’re still a person, so I’ll treat you like I treat everybody else. Also, nobody really cares about your exams, if somebody asks you about them, then tell them. But if nobody asked, nodbody wants to know

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  xXGLGXx.
    #119231 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Agree with the others, especially @TrevishX

    Also, i don’t see any point of this topic. You said you were gonna follow everyone’s advice and be a better person. But after multiple people gave you practically similar advices, all you did was ignoring them and go on with your point of view, which is annoying to some people.

    #119242 Score: 0


    1. Hi yea as you said can get boring as you get closer to some people. Have you seen the way i say hi to deasert? Srsly? A simple waddaaap, yo wazup man or whatever works better than your annoying, pointless ewhatever clock.

    2. No One Cares About Your Exam Time Schedule. If you really want the whole world to know, when you are free, just simply post when you can be active again just ONCE. not spam it on every damn post that has nothing to do with you being inactive. Are you trying to show off you are really busy or something? No one CARES that much. Once is enough but you just keep posting and posting and posting the same repeated things.

    3. You being inactive has nothing to do with you making friends. Anyway you are currently in secondary so it doesn’t even freaking matter. Even those in other classes are just a few metres away. A simple way to get to know friends is srsly a simple hi. Singaporeans aren’t complete scums and if they are, just stomp them or some rubbish.

    4. You said about not being friends with them cause you don’t trust them or whatever and that there are conmen out in the world. Firstly, the issue even online is that you trust people too much. Look at the information you release out and to me as well. Do you even know me? Why the heck would you tell me where you live? I know its safe and all but it just shows how much information you keep to yourself. Getting to know friends doesn’t mean you have to tell them everything. Theres alot of people close to me and actually listen to my instructions as friends even tho im like 2-3 years younger than them but they don’t know much about me.

    5. If you don’t listen to what others tell you is annoying them and you don’t stop, that’s a very big problem. I’m a person especially stubborn to the point everyone around me can’t do anything where they can’t even change me. But even i know this. If they find it annoying, do it to someone else or somewhere else. Just not in their face.

    Stop trying to show pointless information like your exam schedule when it has NOTHING TO DO with the initial topic. BEING BUSY IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO NOT KNOW ANYBODY so leave it out of here and talk about stuff that actually matters to you being socially awkward or whatever.

    #119243 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Yeah, you’re still one of us, no matter how socially awkward you are. You’re still a member of this server so you should expect to be treated as such

    #119244 Score: 0


    Well I kinda agree with Trivesh and Anderzenz. You can easily change that o’clock nonsense with a simple ‘Hi’No ones gonna understand you or what you’re even saying and it’ll just come to a point where it’ll get annoying…

    #119249 Score: 0


    If you really want a creative “Hi”, you can try “Good evening sir/madam”. But this is for workplace. You are now in a virtual world, so saying “Hi” or “Hello” is never boring. I do this to my townmates everytime I go online or they go online.

    Even there are games still using “Hi” and “Hello”

    View post on imgur.com

    So it is not awkward to say a simple “hi” or “Hello”

    Regarding your exam schedule, I see you got a tight schedule like mine in 2014. But not everyone takes ‘O’ Level this year, so most people would not care about it. Those stuff just add in spam to the server.

    FYI this website had been loading slowly sometimes, idk is it too much traffic or whatever happened to the network.

    During my ‘O’ Levels I didn’t go around saying “hey I got Maths on 17 October 2014” or “My last paper, Chemistry paper 1, is on 13 November 2014”. I just keep quiet, don’t even say a thing. If there are things that are not necessary, just don’t say, it is wasting your energy and makes you feel bad when people ignore you.

    melee49, people are giving in suggestions to you, can you please take it. If you don’t, expect more people to ignore you and you feel friendless in this society. We are all here to help you to become a better person.

    I hope you will really take all these suggestions and stop thinking you are the best. Everyone should be treated equally.

    Also for the others, even if melee49 does not listen, you still must have a patient to help him to become a better person. He is in need of our help, so let us help him as much as possible. One phrase: “Never give up”. We should also try to treat melee49 equally, despite his annoying-ness to you. Remember to respect people in this server, melee49 deserves the respect as well. I am not protecting him, but this is what I feel.

    ~ DragonKnightz34
    (I bring life, not destruction. I create things, not destroy things. I am a dragon who does map making)

    #119251 Score: 0


    Anyway in the world of gamers, I had been told most gamers are VERY intelligent. So no point competing in who is more intelligent. There will always be people more intelligent that you.

    If you don’t get it, you can try go see minecraft youtubers like SethBling, who does epic redstone mechanisms.

    #119256 Score: 0

    14 pts

    I don’t play pokemon.

    It’s time for you to unplug and be offline for a while. Take A rest

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