#Am I Socially Discriminated?


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This topic contains 55 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #119258 Score: 0


    I have already unplugged myself from here temporarily, but people are clearly plugging me back in, can i stop them or not?

    #119261 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Not that people are plugging you back in, it’s that you aren’t trying to unplug yourself from it

    #119262 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Well, here’s my reaction to what you just said:

    ^ ^ Click on the text, just in case you’re dumb, :P. It’s a link.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  Bender.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  Bender.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  Bender.
    #119268 Score: 0


    You could use pokemon cards to battle. Meet new friends 😛

    #119269 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Barely anyone cares about the trading card game anymore…

    #119270 Score: 0


    Here is the truth, i made this topic due to recent events in my Skype, nothing related to forums. Skype is made to strengthen friendships, and to maintain and forge new friendships, which an Austistic person is unable to do. So, have i gone against the laws of nature?

    If you pay close attention, Victini isnt alone. He is forced to be alone, but, his determination together with his gang, consisting of Ash, Iris, Clian (And other People) and Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Pikachu, Pansage, Axew, Drillbur, Purrloin, Petili, Cottonee and Minccino. These helped Victini achieve his freedom, which is what led me in this server… He finally saw the ocean, for the very first time, as for myself finally seeing a real community… Also, miracles can happen, they are just lucky, how long did they take? Not all Autistic people get a chance to find a spot in the society, nothing is equal in this world, expect dominance, but, we still fight for equality, because, everything will be equal soon…

    @Ander, off topic, teach everyone that, its your job, now that you promoted it, and found it long ago…

    @GLG, there are always people ‘peeping’ into me, asking me, why am i so inactive (Clock is one of such people), i just have to answer them, while maintaining privacy…

    @Clock, every advice is not perfect, compromising is needed, some people became successful after a particular advice, but some people became failures, while even following the same advice…

    *Ignores tako due to a lack of time*

    @DragonKnightz34, what is that game? I believe such games being that ‘basic’ wont get popular, not even well known to community, what more from me…?

    Also, Social Studies (from what i see) changed him. He is neutral to both sides, you should learn from him, again old habits die hard, so it will be extremely difficult and takes a long period of time to change, cant you understand that and give time, and allow that to happen?

    I am not here, to prove that i am more intelligent than everyone else. I know that fact. In the gaming world, we compete to be the best, but Minecraft is a special case. We team to be the best, very evident from the L Miner Challenge, if everyone remembers…

    And yeah, Pokemon TCG are practically outdated now, my classmates already started to play core series games on emulators, i have difficulty even getting permission to get an emulator…

    #119271 Score: 0


    *Despite replying within 5 minutes, i am making a seperate reply for an obvious reason*

    Anyway, lets end the debate, it was a long one… Now, summerise the changes (in point form) and i will see whether it is feasible or not…

    P.S. I cannot believe my first 2 debating points are made at 3am, and my recent one made in school at 2pm, its literally 6pm now, i am tired, and still have night tuition later, so, dont bother debating with me now, and gimme a summary

    P.S. No. 2: When you realise that the British flew down to Singapore to brief about specific answers in the upcoming National Examinations, you know you are in for death now. Their demands are suicidal, and that is where they can introduce Social Studies as a subject for National Examinations, after observing my class (which alot of moderators and admins – and pretty much every debating player, and all players in general – in every server branch of this entire server need to take… Seriously, in my opinion) Lets hope this get implemented, so that we can avoid unruly punishments and all the controversies in the future…

    #119282 Score: 0


    FYI that game is called “Hearthstone, heroes of Warcraft”. It is a card game and strategy game. It is so popular that there are already international competitions, with prize money over millions of dollars. And probably made more money than Minecraft despite launched only like last year or 2013.

    #119284 Score: 0


    Interesting, Pokemon is the 2nd most successful game, just behind Nintendo’s Super Mario… (For some weird reason)

    I enjoy Pokemon because of the hidden maths (that probably further increased my math score in my exams…)

    #119287 Score: 0


    Hearthstone also maths ma…
    You count how much damage your minions deal, and whether can you kill your opponent hero the next turn. You also need to control how much mana you spend each turn.
    For quite a while it is ranked first for the most popular game in Google Play Store for mobile version.

    #119289 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Ok we all know that you love pokemon, ACTUALLY I myself ALSO love pokemon, but not to the extend of when you annoy people with it. We know that you want to share the fun in pokemon with us but some of us aren’t interested :) so I’d suggest you tell people about it when they ask for it :) that will make people hate you lesser. We don’t mind if you share pokemon stuff in the server, but it gets annoying after some time. So why not mix up abit, don’t always talk about the same thing :p you may not get bored in it but people will.
    Good luck in your exams in the future btw

    And still #Melee4Mod

    For all of you who think im an idiot siding with him, why not help him out instead of keeping him this way and annoying you constantly?

    #119290 Score: 0


    Eh I also said that like in Page 2 of this topic.

    #119293 Score: 0

    7 pts

    “Otherwise, just ignore it.”

    That’s what most are doing right now, but there’s a reason you made this topic. Isn’t it because we’re “socially discriminating” you by ignoring you?

    I’m not trying to start a debate, but if you can’t handle what people think about you, you shouldn’t make these sorts of topics. You’re basically criticising people for criticising you, the difference is, you asked to be criticised.

    #119298 Score: 0

    20 pts

    “Well ander why dont you share it with us so we dont have to spam our topics?” Sure thing Siver 😀 here’s a step-by-step to edit your topics:

    1) Go to the topic’s web address, double click on it so there’s a typing thing.

    2) On the end of the topic, put the word “edit” on to the end of the URL

    For replies:

    1) Get the reply number (top right corner)

    2) go to eternalcraft.com/forums/reply/(Type the reply number here)/edit

    Note: This does not work on forums posts that you didn’t create, so don’t try to act like you’re a forums mod.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  AnderZENZ.
    #119301 Score: 0


    Thanks :>

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