Am I the onky who noticed?


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This topic contains 13 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Dicedead 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #63458 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Is it just me or am I the only person who is still wondering about Miner49LOL’s case of duping? XD I was just randomly digging out old topics when suddenly I remembered it. So yeah, since this us in off tooic section the following won’t matter much. 😛
    Ever since Born’s last reply on his topic Miner was silent and never came back on the forums again. We could simply say that he feared we would find out even more evidence of it or skmething. If anyone wanted to check out that topic, enjoy reading. XD
    Man! Almost one year here on EC and I still caught the dragon egg only for times… I need to train myself on killing that dragon and being able to get 192 eggs like some very skilled players. >_<
    Oh wait DD asked me a question? Yeah, I do hate math, a lot actually, but when you use a calculator and all what you have to do is press buttons and wait for the thing to do it for you. XD

    #63459 Score: 0


    Fun Fact: I have been here for more than a year, and never got a dragon egg without buying it.

    #63461 Score: 0


    ^ Same. Or from raidin old towns

    #63462 Score: 0


    Fun fact : Title is Am i the Onky One who noticed ? #LOL

    #63463 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Ok iPad keyboards are really horrible. ;(

    #63465 Score: 0

    13 pts

    I have 12 dragon eggs + I never bought them before + I don’t remember how the heck did I got them

    #63466 Score: 0

    Fun fact: I like smearing butter all over my face whenever I’m stressed.
    Dad: Richard! Come here immediately!
    *Richard comes running*
    Dad: Richard, did you get in trouble today?
    *Richard is wetting his pants*
    Richard: I can explain, sir…
    Dad: How many (insert really strong Russian swear words here) times did I tell you NOT to flirt with the god damn females, Richard!
    Richard: Well, it’s just tha-
    Dad: I THOUGHT YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND, YOU UNFAITHFUL (insert strong Russian swear word here).
    Richard: Sir, I was just messing around.
    *14 year old sister comes in*
    Sister: Sir, I am trying to do my homework. Will you please just lower your voice… a bit?
    Dad: Go to your room, Richard.
    *Richard goes to the kitchen, gets a stick of unsalted butter*
    *Richard goes to the bathroom, and locks the door*
    *Richard starts dabbing his face with butter*

    And that, folks, is how I spent the Spring vacation.

    #63467 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I also like to check on old topics and read exciting ones. I dont think you’re the only one 😉

    #63468 Score: 0


    @MrInvis this is totally random xD

    #63473 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Hey, a new movie title!

    TheHighOreo: The Onky Who Noticed!

    #63476 Score: 0


    lol leave oreo alone i be typoing like him xD dont worry bro i understand your typo pain T.T

    #63477 Score: 0


    I’ve been here since Jun 4 2012 and Iv’e never gotten a dragon egg because i’m too lazy to try xD

    #63482 Score: 0


    I never got them legit.. I only have 1 ever since i joined the server.

    #63483 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I got 2 eggs before that I threw in lava, typically ugly and useless. LOL.


Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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