An Apology To Everyone From epicman1248


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This topic contains 36 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  popo123 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #42316 Score: 0


    Dear EternalCracked,

    Hi there im epicman1248, some might still remember me and others might not know me at all but that’s okay. Anyway I have just come back to apologies for my actions I have done in the past. I am not asking to be unbanned or anything. All I am asking is for an apology from my past actions because I feel bad for what I have done. For those who might not know me, I am epicman1248 a previous player on eternalcracked and I got banned for hacking. Anyway I am here to say sorry for all I have done, for bypassing my ban and all that and for hacking. I have moved on and this will be the last you will hear from me on Eternal Cracked. Anyway I hope you can forgive and forget and let bygones be bygones. I am not asking to be unbanned or anything and all Im asking for is an apology as I am here right to say sorry to the whole eternal cracked server about my previous actions. If you don’t want to give me an apology, that is completely understandable as I would not feel bad or anything about it. As always, thanks for reading!


    #42318 Score: 0


    Well all i can say is thanks for saying this. Im glad instead of continueing to hack/bypass your simply moving on.

    #42320 Score: 0

    1 pt

    This is the mature and reasonable epicman i would have liked to have seen from the start, but thanks you for this and for accepting your actions.


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by  jttt3.
    #42334 Score: 0


    I feel like that whole paragraph was just him rewording the same sentence in a different way. Apology accepted 😀

    #43085 Score: 0


    NO WAY, you just went on EC and advertised your server. Please leave us alone.

    #43087 Score: 0


    Nevermind your worse then I thought

    #43092 Score: 0


    Well you are a truely pathetic noob.

    #49448 Score: 0

    1 pt

    epicman you are a total idiot. Your probably an little 6 year old kid trying to hack a server with more than 20 mods. If you are thinking that go and dig your MC and your server’s grave.



    #49450 Score: 0


    Well, GO AWAY

    #49453 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Epicman I love you! – #Sarcastic
    I made a very special poem for you.

    You are not an epic man
    You are a penguin that ran
    That burned because you have no fan
    Good thing that mods have ban
    And that mod was drinking from a can
    I will slap you with a pan
    When you bypass your ban
    I dont even think you’re a man
    Because you have no plan
    So long epicman
    And stop bypassing your ban


    #49455 Score: 0


    <3 it.

    #49986 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Hes blocked now ._.

    #50235 Score: 0


    Max, let me tell you why
    You aren’t such a poetic guy
    I mean, I don’t understand your rhymes
    All that nonsense, no one will buy.
    You are the once that makes baby cry
    You sound like you just got high
    Seeing penguin in such Demise
    Such take a look in your eyes
    Do you know what it takes to rhyme
    This is for your crimes
    I told you countless times
    Please don’t rhyme
    Leave the job to Gra and I
    Everything that I said was lies 😛

    #50237 Score: 0


    You see ,He repeated ”Im not asking to unban me” many times which mean he want to be unban and who knows he will Re Advertise again As Ec is more popular

    #50239 Score: 0


    Epicman1248 was just attempting to fool us into thinking hed never come back.

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