AnderZENZ's prison mod application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications AnderZENZ's prison mod application

This topic contains 17 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Own7ge 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #115045 Score: 0

    20 pts


    In-game names used:AnderZENZ, Stealth_Radars, Battleship_X_Man. I have a lot of other alts, but they’re unregistered.

    How Old are you: I am 11 1/2 years old.

    In what country do you live in, and what is your timezone?: I live in the U.S.A, and my timezone is GMT -4, Eastern Standard Time.

    How long have you played Minecraft?: I have played minecraft since Mid to Late 2011, so about 4 and one-half years.

    Do you have any previous experience in Moderating?: Yes, I am currently an ExpertMod on the survival server. I have also been an Admin on my friends server, but I quit it because it ran out of funds.

    Do you ever get punished in EternalCraft before? If yes, when and why? And what did you learn from that?: I want to make sure I cover this section thoroughly, so here is my main record: Almost exactly a year ago, I was temp-banned for admitting to X-ray on survival. What I learned from this was that I shouldn’t use X-ray at all, because I could be tempted to use it on the server. In January of this year, I was banned for “non beneficial person” on survival. Well, this basically taught me to straighten out, because I was being very rude in the server. I’ve been warned < 5 times on prison, all of them were for spam, which taught me to calm down with the “noooooooooooooo” and “OMG STOP”

    The Server you are applying for: The prison server

    How Often are you Online in Prison: I am typically online at lest am hour a day in prison, and sometimes up to 4 hours. As I said above, I am a mod on survival too, so I need to reserve some of my time there, too. One more thing I should mention is that starting this coming Sunday, until next Saturday, I will not be ingame or Skype or the forums at all. I’ll be at Boy Scout Camp.

    Why do you want to become a Moderator?: I want to become a mod on prison to be able to work with the mods there. I noticed that most of the time, the moderators are active, but sometimes not. What I mean is, sometimes someone could be spamming, and there isn’t a mod to warn them. I would like to always be here to help deal with the spammers, and others of that sort. I would also like to help the mod team develop new systems and concepts with my ideas.

    I highly appreciate you reading my mod application :)

    I appreciate all feedback, even bad :)

    If you want to contact me, Skype me. My skype is anderzenz, it’s the one that does have a profile picture.

    Peace out dudes and dudettes :)

    #115046 Score: 0

    14 pts
    #115048 Score: 0

    20 pts

    “Exceptions can be made if you show you are mature enough” Wither, I know, I specifically read that before making this :/

    #115069 Score: 0

    1 pt

    vote up
    -knows commands
    -cool headed
    -fairly helpful(in prison)
    -fairly active(in prison as well)
    -active on forums
    meh, none

    #115224 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Bump :}

    #115343 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Last bump until 3 PM Eastern Standard time, next Saturday.

    #115348 Score: 0


    “Exceptions can be made if you show you are mature enough” Wither, I know, I specifically read that before making this :/

    I’m sorry but I don’t see the maturity in you. Specially after the tantrum you did on survival which turned out to be your demotion.

    #115349 Score: 0

    1 pt


    #115351 Score: 0


    frkn rekt m8

    #115352 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I’m sorry but I don’t see the maturity in you. Specially after the tantrum you did on survival which turned out to be your demotion.

    That wasn’t why he was demoted, he was demoted because of how he sounded “above” to everyone. Sometimes he was rude, but definitely not something like a rage tantrum.

    #115356 Score: 0

    4 pts

    Hmmm… Actually; Ander u should wait some months for making your mod application.
    Vote Down

    -Not very active in Prison
    -A little bit rude
    -Need to be a little bit more mature.
    Good luck; bro

    #115359 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I waited 3 months since my last mod application. And, in active in prison..

    #115388 Score: 0

    2 pts

    vote down
    Ander I was seriously thinking hard about this but my vote will has been decided. U saI’d some pretty mean/immature things a couple of minutes ago that has proven you are not capable to be a mod on prison. I will not say what he said for the persons sake but it was not something a mod should have ever said, especially in general chat. No hard feelings man but I’ll have to vote down.

    #115463 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Can someone close this topic? I’m not mentally prepared to be a mod in prison currently.

    #116110 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ *Politely clears throat* please do that XD

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